This was all done browser side in Windows before attempting to script any solution as i want to see success/failure rate.
tried the domain\username : password combination on the webpage but due to the 2FA realm being selected, that failed with the error: invalid username/password.
Successfully logged in to the OWA, but got a handy message it is changing to 2FA November 3rd. That won't work for me for obvious reasons. After logging in to OWA I tried going directly to the page i need but it seems to be walled off - OWA creds are only for there and do not filter through at all.
I looked at the VPN, there is a Linux version but i need to sign up with my company name. That's not going to happen simply because its already been bought but i do not have the credentials to sign in to the account. I have also checked the organisation software share but there is only the Windows version of the software. I'm not wanting to torrent it really as its going to be for business usage.
Looking at using something to help me i discovered formfind. My output is:
--- FORM report. Uses POST to URL "login.cgi"
Input: NAME="tz_offset" (HIDDEN)
Input: NAME="username" (TEXT)
Input: NAME="password" (PASSWORD)
Select: NAME="realm"
Option VALUE="Entrust_2FA_NL"
Option VALUE="Groupinfra_only_username"
[end of select]
Input: NAME="btnSubmit" VALUE="Sign In" (SUBMIT)
--- end of FORM
So I tried
curl -d username="*********" -d password="***********" -d realm="Groupinfra_only_username" > signin.html
but it gave me an empty signin.html file output.
Still working on it....
Using the address found on the OWA page will not log me in, i'm assuming that this is because on Windows it opens a host checker box. On the Linux CLI the address simply hangs before returning to a command prompt.