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Linux - Newbie This Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux.
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Old 10-01-2007, 10:59 AM   #1
Registered: Jul 2007
Distribution: Slackware 14
Posts: 237
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loading fluxbox from run level 3?

I have my moonshine set up to boot into run level 3 coz i like it like that for various reasons. I can either login as a user and type 'startx' to go right to kde or login as root and then init 5. that brings me to the fedora login screen and i can choose my session. If i do this it leaves me with a root logged in and im not really comfortable with that. the reason it wont let me start fluxbox after my initial login is because there is no x windows session. I also would like to be able to log in as myself (i.e. not root) from run level 3 and start fluxbox, kde, or xf4ce.

whats the command to start an x windows session with fluxbox and or xf4ce? do I have to pipe it?
Old 10-01-2007, 04:37 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2006
Location: vienna
Distribution: Debian etch
Posts: 3

Rep: Reputation: 0
startx fluxbox


startx icewm

etc etc



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