Linux survival guide
#shadowb0x's survival Linux commands#
#For the new linux user#
#Please note these are #
#very basic commands and #
#are shown to help the new #
#linux users#
#Common commands:#
startx: loads the GUI
cp: used to copy files
ln: used to create symbolic links
rm: used to remove files
mv: used to move and rename files
pwd: used to show the directory in which you are
ls: used to list files in a folder
ls -a: used to list files in a folder, including hidden
cd: change directories
cd ~: change directories to your home directory
touch: used to create
umount: used to unmount hardware such as floppy
mount: used to mount hardware such as floppy
gedit: a very easy text editor
vi: a stantard Unix text editor
pico: another text editor
tail: follow a file as it grows, good for tracing errors
w: used to look at whos logged in
mkdir: makes a directory
rmdir: removes a directory
adduser: add's a user
deluser: deletes a user
wget: get something off the web
lsmod: list's loaded modules
su: Log into root if you are on a normal user
#shutting down:#
shutdown -h now
shutdown -r now
#Installing something:#
#First you must uncompress it, for the following example I#
#use a .tar.gz#
#Please note you must be root to do this, if you are not, use the#
#command: su#
tar -xzvf file.tar.gz
./ configure
make install
#Please note it might be a good idea to see if there is a readme#
#and install, if you are unfarmiliar with what you are installing#
#there may be arguements of which you need to know.#
#If you are trying to get something like a driver off of your floppy here#
#is an easy way how to:#
1. Have the floppy drive empty
2. Run the command: umount /dev/fd0
3. Insert the floppy
4. Run the command: mount /dev/fd0
5. cd /mount/floppy
#If you wish to copy it to your home direcotry:#
#Into your users directory#
cp filename.extension /home/theuseryourmade
#Into your root directory#
cp filename.extension
#Note, you will need to be logged in as root#
#Now just run the command:#
cd /home/theuseryoumade
cd /root
#The driver/file/image etc is there #