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Chris4610 11-08-2012 08:12 PM

Linux Script Issue
Hello, I am trying to figure this out and really could use some help. Below is what i'm being asked to do and below that is a script I had to write the previous week, according to what I need to do it's an extension to what I've already done.I have been fighting a huge cold and I really could use help in this and look forward to a reply, my email is



Case – switch 2, 9 points (3 if it runs correctly, 5 if all components are included and 1 for
comments) and yes we live in a partial credit world.
This project is an extension of the case and switch assignment from last week. We have
used all the elements of this script in prior homework projects, puzzles and/or scripts.
This time around everything is a choice in a case switch script.
Your shell script will use case and switch and should include the following elements:
some kind of conditional test to proceed (date, verify users is logged, etc)
request the user’s name (save as a variable to be used at exit)
a counter that counts the number of total choices made by the user
a use of the cut command (cut a field from you friends list or some other file)
an option to run 5 different commands (ls, who, ping etc) and
on exiting the script, echo the user’s name, user inputs (you will want to save
these as varialbes and how many choices the user made).
Comments MUST be included in the script! Your script should be easy for anyone to run
without the need of prompting from you, the developer.
Email a copy and leave an executable copy in the appropriate homework directory.
Remember, by reading your comments I should be able to see exactly what your script is
doing (or suppose to do). Why use comments? Comments force you to think through the
scripting process. Scripting could be considered a mechanical process of converting your
comments into UNIX commands.

#! /bin/csh
echo "Enter the month date"
set a = ($<)
set date = `date | cut -f 3 -d ' '` #date command cut to the date
if ( $a == $date ) then #if correct date entered
echo "What's your first name ?" #ask for name
set b = $< #setting variable
echo "Hello $b "
echo "I'm sorry that is not correct."
exit 0
@ h = 0 # declaring the variables
@ i = 0
@ j = 0
@ k = 0
@ l = 0
@ z = 0
set e = /home/fall_05/user-name/HW/11-22 #path
set f = $e/menu #set variable for menu
while (1)
cat $f #cat menu
echo -n "Enter your choice "
set a = $< #set variable for choice
#set z = 1 # the counter wouldn't work until I defined the
switch ( $a )
case [aA]: #case a
@ h = 1 # h is equal to 1 this sets the variable
for listing inputs
ls #command
@ z = $z + 1 #The counter
sleep 2
goto top
case [bB]:
@ i = 1
@ z = $z + 1
sleep 2
goto top
case [cC]:
@ j = 1 last |grep $b |wc -l
@ z = $z + 1
sleep 2
goto top
case [dD]:
@ k = 1
@ z = $z + 1
sleep 2
goto top
case [eE]:
@ l = 1
@ z = $z + 1
echo "Thank you $b for entering $z choices."
echo "You ran the following commands "
if ( $h == 1 ) then
echo "ls " # if h is equal to 1 then echo ls and so
forth following down the line
if ( $i == 1 ) then
echo "who "
if ( $j == 1 ) then
echo "last "
if ( $k == 1 ) then
echo "finger "
if ( $l == 1 ) then
echo "exit "
exit 0
endsw # end switch
end # end while statement #! /bin/csh
#case switch
echo -n "Please enter your name... " #prompts user for name
set name=$< #sets user input to variable
@ i = 0 #counter begins at zero
@ a = 0
@ new = 0
@ f = 0
@ c = 0
@ n = 0
@ z = 0
@ dir = 0
@ address = 0
while (1) #while true
echo $i #counter
clear #clear screen
top: #place holder for goto
cat options #look at option file
@ i = $i + 1 #increment counter at each pass
echo options #echo options to screen
echo -n "Enter your option... " #prompts user for selection
set z=$< #sets user input to variable
switch ($z)
echo "" #inserts a blank line
case [aA] #chosen if user selects option aA
echo -n "Which file would you like to copy? " #prompts user for input
set a=$< #sets user input to variable
echo -n "What is the new filename? " #prompts user for input
set new=$< #sets user input to variable
cp $a $new #copies one file to another
echo -n file $a was copied to $new #displays the file names
echo "" #inserts a blank line
goto top #return to the top and start over
case [bB] #chosen if user selects option bB
echo -n "Which file would you like displayed? " #prompts user for file n
set f=$< #sets user input to variable
if (-e $f) then #if the file exists then
cat $f #cat the file
endif #end if statement
echo "" #inserts a blank line
echo -n "Which column would you like to cut? " #prompts user for column
to cut set c=$< #sets user input to variable
cat $f|tr -s ' ' | cut -f $c -d ' '>duh2 #looks at file, removes spaces,
cuts field and saves as new file
echo "" #inserts a blank line
cat duh2 #look at the edited file
echo "" #inserts a blank line
goto top #return to the top and start over
case [cC] #chosen if user selects option cC
echo -n "Enter the name of the file that you'd like to look at. " #promp
ts user for input
echo "" #inserts a blank line
set f=$< #sets user input to variable
cat $f #performs cat on user input
goto top #return to the top and start over
case [dD] #chosen if user selects option dD
clear #clear screen
loop: #place holder
cat options1 #look at the options1 file for additional option
echo options1 #echo the options to the screen
echo -n "Which function would you like to perform? "
set i=$< #sets user input to variable
switch ($i)
case [1]
echo -n "Which directory would you like to look at? " #ls comman
d, prompts for directory
set dir=$< #sets user input to variable.
ls -alF $dir #performs ls on directory from user input
echo "" #inserts a blank line
goto loop #go to loop placeholder
case [2]
echo "" #inserts a blank line
who #performs who
echo "" #inserts a blank line
goto loop #go to loop placeholder
case [3]
echo "" #inserts a blank line
echo -n "What is the address to ping? " #prompts user for addres
s to ping
set address=$< #sets user input to variable
ping $address -c 1 #performs ping, on user input, for one c
echo "" #inserts a blank line goto loop #go to placeholder
case [4]
echo "Who would you like to 'finger'?" #prompts user for name
set n=$< #sets user input to variable
finger $n #performs finger on variable
echo "" #inserts a blank line
goto loop #go to placeholder
case [5]
goto top #go to placeholder
endsw #end switch
case [eE] #chosen if user selects option eE
echo -n "You entered option e, to exit. Goodbye $name! $i options were c
hosen. Your inputs were $z, $a, $new, $f, $c, $n, $dir, $address. " #ec
ho the user's name, how many choices were made and what the inputs were.
#displays which option was entered and exits the
echo "" #inserts a blank line
exit #exit
breaksw #ends
endsw #end the switch
end #end the while statement

unSpawn 11-08-2012 08:18 PM

So, what is it exactly that you have problems with?
Show debug output, or a thorough explanation of your problem, instead of posting the assignment.
And please edit your post and put the code in BB code tags for readability.

Chris4610 11-08-2012 08:28 PM

Hello, not sure if I did the BB code right, and I'm not fully sure what I'm being asked to do. What I attached was an example of what i'm being asked to do, so maybe you can help me alter it ? I never have been able to wrap my brain around this script making, so i'm desperate for help but I will try to answer any questions you have. Also my intro to programming has me doing something similar could I shoot you what I have with that to see what you think?




echo "Enter the month date"
set a = ($<)
set date = `date | cut -f 3 -d ' '` #date command cut to the date
if ( $a == $date ) then #if correct date entered
echo "What's your first name ?" #ask for name
set b = $< #setting variable
echo "Hello $b "
echo "I'm sorry that is not correct."
exit 0
@ h = 0 # declaring the variables
@ i = 0
@ j = 0
@ k = 0
@ l = 0
@ z = 0
set e = /home/fall_05/user-name/HW/11-22 #path
set f = $e/menu #set variable for menu
while (1)
cat $f #cat menu
echo -n "Enter your choice "
set a = $< #set variable for choice
#set z = 1 # the counter wouldn't work until I defined the
switch ( $a )
case [aA]: #case a
@ h = 1 # h is equal to 1 this sets the variable
for listing inputs
ls #command
@ z = $z + 1 #The counter
sleep 2
goto top
case [bB]:
@ i = 1
@ z = $z + 1
sleep 2
goto top
case [cC]:
@ j = 1 last |grep $b |wc -l
@ z = $z + 1
sleep 2
goto top
case [dD]:
@ k = 1
@ z = $z + 1
sleep 2
goto top
case [eE]:
@ l = 1
@ z = $z + 1
echo "Thank you $b for entering $z choices."
echo "You ran the following commands "
if ( $h == 1 ) then
echo "ls " # if h is equal to 1 then echo ls and so
forth following down the line
if ( $i == 1 ) then
echo "who "
if ( $j == 1 ) then
echo "last "
if ( $k == 1 ) then
echo "finger "
if ( $l == 1 ) then
echo "exit "
exit 0
endsw # end switch
end # end while statement #! /bin/csh
#case switch
echo -n "Please enter your name... " #prompts user for name
set name=$< #sets user input to variable
@ i = 0 #counter begins at zero
@ a = 0
@ new = 0
@ f = 0
@ c = 0
@ n = 0
@ z = 0
@ dir = 0
@ address = 0
while (1) #while true
echo $i #counter
clear #clear screen
top: #place holder for goto
cat options #look at option file
@ i = $i + 1 #increment counter at each pass
echo options #echo options to screen
echo -n "Enter your option... " #prompts user for selection
set z=$< #sets user input to variable
switch ($z)
echo "" #inserts a blank line
case [aA] #chosen if user selects option aA
echo -n "Which file would you like to copy? " #prompts user for input
set a=$< #sets user input to variable
echo -n "What is the new filename? " #prompts user for input
set new=$< #sets user input to variable
cp $a $new #copies one file to another
echo -n file $a was copied to $new #displays the file names
echo "" #inserts a blank line
goto top #return to the top and start over
case [bB] #chosen if user selects option bB
echo -n "Which file would you like displayed? " #prompts user for file n
set f=$< #sets user input to variable
if (-e $f) then #if the file exists then
cat $f #cat the file
endif #end if statement
echo "" #inserts a blank line
echo -n "Which column would you like to cut? " #prompts user for column
to cut set c=$< #sets user input to variable
cat $f|tr -s ' ' | cut -f $c -d ' '>duh2 #looks at file, removes spaces,
cuts field and saves as new file
echo "" #inserts a blank line
cat duh2 #look at the edited file
echo "" #inserts a blank line
goto top #return to the top and start over
case [cC] #chosen if user selects option cC
echo -n "Enter the name of the file that you'd like to look at. " #promp
ts user for input
echo "" #inserts a blank line
set f=$< #sets user input to variable
cat $f #performs cat on user input
goto top #return to the top and start over
case [dD] #chosen if user selects option dD
clear #clear screen
loop: #place holder
cat options1 #look at the options1 file for additional option
echo options1 #echo the options to the screen
echo -n "Which function would you like to perform? "
set i=$< #sets user input to variable
switch ($i)
case [1]
echo -n "Which directory would you like to look at? " #ls comman
d, prompts for directory
set dir=$< #sets user input to variable.
ls -alF $dir #performs ls on directory from user input
echo "" #inserts a blank line
goto loop #go to loop placeholder
case [2]
echo "" #inserts a blank line
who #performs who
echo "" #inserts a blank line
goto loop #go to loop placeholder
case [3]
echo "" #inserts a blank line
echo -n "What is the address to ping? " #prompts user for addres
s to ping
set address=$< #sets user input to variable
ping $address -c 1 #performs ping, on user input, for one c
echo "" #inserts a blank line goto loop #go to placeholder
case [4]
echo "Who would you like to 'finger'?" #prompts user for name
set n=$< #sets user input to variable
finger $n #performs finger on variable
echo "" #inserts a blank line
goto loop #go to placeholder
case [5]
goto top #go to placeholder
endsw #end switch
case [eE] #chosen if user selects option eE
echo -n "You entered option e, to exit. Goodbye $name! $i options were c
hosen. Your inputs were $z, $a, $new, $f, $c, $n, $dir, $address. " #ec
ho the user's name, how many choices were made and what the inputs were.
#displays which option was entered and exits the
echo "" #inserts a blank line
exit #exit
breaksw #ends
endsw #end the switch
end #end the while statement

unSpawn 11-09-2012 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by Chris4610 (Post 4825436)
not sure if I did the BB code right, and

You got that part right.


Originally Posted by Chris4610 (Post 4825436)
I'm not fully sure what I'm being asked to do.

If you don't understand your assignment then ask your teacher for clarification. If OTOH you mean what you should do here then tell us which of the 6 items on your list you work on right now, what doesn't work and why you think it doesn't work.

* Just so there'll be no misunderstanding: do not expect us provide you with a complete, grading-ready homework assignment. Like your assignments goal is to force you to think through the scripting process we try to achieve the same by asking questions. Learning takes time.

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