Originally posted by stoney55
first off thanks for your reply
If you can tell me how exactly you installed I would be very greatful. I'm want to eventually move completely away from Microsoft as I think they are trying to rule the computer world. I am taking a Linux course at College so I have access to a computer that runs Linux, but would like to play around with it at home.
once again thanks so much for your response
Pleasure matey!
I did the following, starting off with bare iron, i.e. a virgin machine with nothing on the HDD, not even DOS.
1. Boot from the floppy into DOS / Windows text mode. (I. e. a floppy created with format A: /s on another Windows machine). Partition the HDD into one large Primary Dos Partition using DOS fdisk (off the floppy) and make the partition active.
2. Format the HDD. format C: /s /u
3. The boot floppy mentioned in (1) was tuned so that it loaded the MSCDEX drivers so I can read CDs in DOS mode.
4. Copy Win98 files off the Win98 CD onto the HDD.
5. Run Win98 setup from DOS.
6. After Win98 is installed, boot again with the floppy from step (1).
7. Get out the Red Hat Linux CD#1.
8. Run fips on CD#1 in the /dosutils directory.
9. Skrink the Win98 partition by 10GB so that Windows has 30GB on my disk and Linux 10GB.
10. Exit fips, reboot again from floppy.
11. Again use Red Hat Linux CD#1, run fips again and split the 10GB partition into a 9.55GB partition and a 0.5GB partition - this is for the swap partition for Linux.
12. NOTE - Steps 8 - 11 will only work if you've got a suffieciently old BIOS. On my old mobo, step 8- 11 worked fine, but on my new one, FIPS refuses to partition the disk. FIPS uses BIOS calls, so I guess on newer motherboards step 11 won't work - new boards have newer BIOSes. If you can't use fips you need to partition the disk into the required 3 paritions BEFORE formatting to install Windows for the first time.
13. Boot from Linux CD#1 in the CDROM drive.
14. When prompted, partition manually. Assign / to hda2 (the 10GB partition) and /swap to hda3 (the 0.5GB partition). Swap memory seems to need to be the same size as physical memory, or twice that? Can't remember.
15. When prompted, install GRUB in the primary boot sector. Make sure you select to "Force LBA" with the the bootloader installation.
16. Finish Linux install.
17. Reboot. You can now choose between Windows and Linux.
PS - This worked fine for me for about two years over three re-installs with a Gigabyt 8-IRML motherboard with a P4 1.8gHz CPU and 512MB of RAM, and 40GB Seagate HDD.
Hope this helped!