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Old 02-12-2005, 09:12 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Question Linux RH9 Dual Boot and Win98se


Well I have tried every tutor I can find and still can not get Linux to complete a good install with Win98se. I have a 10Ghz seagate hard drive. I formatted the first 5Ghz for Win9. I left the last half of the hard drive unformatted, and unpartitioned, was told that Linux would take care of that. well the only thing I change in the setup is to load KDE with all the other defaults. It runs like it is going just fine and then either kicks me out or acts like everything is fine but still will only boot( and I mean boots ) straight into windows. Is there anyone out there with step by step instructions that can help me out.


heck no wonder so many people use Microsoft it's much easier to install and don't get me wrong I dispiese Bill Gates

Last edited by stoney55; 02-12-2005 at 09:15 AM.
Old 02-12-2005, 09:36 AM   #2
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I have run your exact setup successfully for about a year and a half. Can you be more specific? How exactly did you install Rh9?

I did it my doing pretty much what you did - first installing 98, then repartioning the drive using FIPS so that I had 10 GB at the "end" of the drive open, then booted from the Rh9 CD#1 and installed Rh9. I selected GRUB as bootloader during installation, and partioned manually - making one 9.95 GB partition and assigning this to the / filesystem with 512 MB for swap (my system het 512 MB of physical RAM).

Other than that it installed and ran beautifully.

What exactly are you doing? Can you describe EXACTLY how you install and where and how it fails? What error messages do you get?

Old 02-12-2005, 10:09 AM   #3
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Linux RH9 Dual Boot and Win98se

first off thanks for your reply

1. I fdisk the hard drive and created a primary partition on the first half of the drive.

2. I formatted the primary partition (FAT32)

3. I installed Win98se , and when I was done I rebooted with RH9 DISC one in my cdrom

4. I basically accepted all the defaults, I didn't chose a boot loader as I have been told by others that there isn't that much difference in them,
but I don't want to get into a pissing contest about that.

If you can tell me how exactly you installed I would be very greatful. I'm want to eventually move completely away from Microsoft as I think they are trying to rule the computer world. I am taking a Linux course at College so I have access to a computer that runs Linux, but would like to play around with it at home.

once again thanks so much for your response

Old 02-12-2005, 10:12 AM   #4
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Linux RH9 Dual Boot and Win98se

Oh yea what is FIPS?? I want to be able to accept whatever operating system I want at boot up

thanks for your input

Old 02-12-2005, 10:26 AM   #5
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When you said you didn't choose a bootloader, did you mean that you used the default or that you didn't actually install any bootloader? If you didn't install any bootloader then that is the problem.
Old 02-12-2005, 10:34 AM   #6
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Linux RH9 Dual Boot and Win98se

Well pretty sure I accepted the default. I mean I get most of the way through the install process sometimes and then it kicks me out. then other times acts like it installed ok but will only boot to Win98. Damn what I wouldn't give for some clear cut instructions just to dual boot Win98SE and Linux Red Hat 9 .

Thanks for your reply

Old 02-12-2005, 05:27 PM   #7
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Hello Hello Hello

is anybody out there??

Old 02-12-2005, 10:29 PM   #8
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Well I just tried installing RH9 with nothing else on the hard drive and I guess I have a hardware issue. It gets right to the part where it's going to start loading the apps and then it give me abnormal exit sending kill signals or something to that effect. I'm not sure which Hardware it could be.

Gigabit motherboard Slot A
AMD Athlon 550 MHz P3 class
384 Meg Ram
10GB Seagate hard drive
Microsoft Keyboard (ergonomic)
Logitec optical mouse

Is there anything above that looks suspicious to any of you guys ?? anybody have any information please let me know
I do have the system I'm using to access the Internet but not sure I wanna mess with trying to install Linux on it as I don't wanna crash and burn, I just built this system

Asus P4P800E deluxe
Intel P4 2.4 c
1 gig dual channel ram
160 GB Western digital IDE
80 GB Maxtor
Asus video 128 Meg

This system works just fine and don't know what kind of issues I would have loading Linux on it, as I have WinXP pro SP2 installed and it runs fine.

Like I said I just want to try and get Linux up and running


Old 02-13-2005, 03:26 AM   #9
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Seems like you did everything right to me.
5Gig might be tight, but it shouldn't die like that. I was going to suggest not enough memory - I had similar issues with RH on an old Pentium 90 (yep, the original Pentium) but it only had 32Meg.
With 384Meg you should have plenty.

As for you other issue, I have a P4P800-E with XP+SP2 similar to yours (1Gig, 2.8 H/T yada,yada), and it dual-boots fine with Gentoo using grub. Been doing it for more than 12 months - I have 2 boxes using that ASUS mobo. No problems at all. I'd expect RH9 to not find the Gigabit Ethernet, but if you load sk98lin as a module you should be o.k.
But if you're not comfortable, don't do it. It's your box after all.
Old 02-13-2005, 03:40 AM   #10
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Last year I was running RH9 and win98 on a 166MHz Pentium I with 32 MB ram ( Don't ask how much I would wait for KDE to load ) and everything worked just fine. Stoney you should try some other distribution to see if it works.

What video card do you have?
Old 02-13-2005, 10:23 AM   #11
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New Idea

Ok boyz and girlz since I can't get dual boot to work on my other system

Gigabit motherboard Slot A
AMD Athlon 550 MHz P3 class
384 Meg Ram
10GB Seagate hard drive
Microsoft Keyboard (ergonomic)
Logitec optical mouse
or refer to post

I'm getting desperate

I have my new machine

Asus P4P800E deluxe
Intel P4 2.4 c
1 gig dual channel ram
160 GB Western digital IDE
80 GB Maxtor
Asus video 128 Meg

Now I have 31 GB on the WD that is free or I could just wipe
the Maxtor Not my first choice but I'm willing to experiment. I do have the like I stated the XP drives formatted NTFS which I know is an issue with Linux, but what about the free space??? or the Maxtor if I must

and also regarding my other attempt

I switched the the seagate hardrive that I had in the old box with a
WD 8.4 Gb and it went smoother but then told me it didn't like the media?? I understand bad media but this disk looks fresh but I know it could be a bad burn. Also isn't 8.4 GB enough to do a dual boot as long as your not doing some serious stuff I mean basicallly no internet just a little editing with Linux (vi, emacs, vim) etc., ??? Let me know your oppinion


Old 02-13-2005, 12:40 PM   #12
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You are not very clear in your explanations in these threads but the one thing I did glean was that you did not install a boot loader. Now if you did not install either lilo or grub then when booting it will use the what is in the mbr and go straight to M$. You need a boot loader to have an option of which os you want to use. Your old system should have no problems running any distro. I have a webserver running on a PC100 board and Cyrix 233 with 128MB RAM. If you have a lilo.conf in /etc it should have been configured and can be written to the mbr by doing lilo from the command line as root. You will need to edit lilo.conf to boot into M$. Sorry cannot remember the switch but an example will be in lilo.conf. You can get get back into the os by using your install disk and the rescue option.
Old 02-13-2005, 12:48 PM   #13
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Like I said in previous post. I used the default boot loader (Grub). As i stated before I never really got to a point that is said Linux was installed so even if I didn't choose a boot loader (Which I did) what difference would it make, I mean if you can't get a complete install of any kind Grub or Lilo will not do you any good any way will it??

Last edited by stoney55; 02-13-2005 at 12:51 PM.
Old 02-13-2005, 12:59 PM   #14
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try mandrake or another distro to check if it is a repeatable problem.
Old 02-13-2005, 01:11 PM   #15
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In order for anyone to help you, you are going to have to give concise information. You do not mention in these threads that the install failed. Give us detail about when exactly the install failed and what the error was. You only talk about failure to boot.


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