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Old 05-25-2012, 08:08 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2012
Posts: 3

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
linux mint 13 maya cannot connect to internet!

hello. im a total noob in linux and i have downloaded linux mint 13 maya. 32 bit. mate version.
instalation and everything went smooth but when i log in a sign tells me that im not connected to internet.
i have a wired modem.
the modem thing in the cpu is a tp-link tf 3200.
i have tried copying the configuration that appears in windows(in xp internet works) typing ipconfig. but its useless
then i found the installation cd of the modem and found something that i thought that would solve this but it didnt. i ran "uname -v" to check my kernel version and its 3.2 and in the readme there is only info for 2.4 and 2.6 versions... please help. you know that internet is important


this is the readme of the modem cd
	                   Linux Driver 

1. File Description
2. Driver Installation for Linux
3. Driver Parameter
4. None EEPROM

1. File Description

Filename                Description
====================    =======================================================
sundance_main.c         Linux Driver Source Code.
                        This file is the main part of Linux Driver.

compat.h                Network interface message level settings.

crc32.h                 Crc function for early Linux 2.4.19pre kernel inclusion

ethtool.h:              Defines for Linux ethtool.

mii.h                   definitions for MII-compatible transceivers.

mii.c                   MII interface library.

makefile                Make File For IP100 Linux Driver.
                        Using "make all" for your kernel.

readme.txt              A summary of the contents for Linux Driver.
                        This file, which you are reading me now.

2. Driver Installation for Linux
a. for kernel 2.4.x
   a1. Redhat 7.3 (linux kernel 2.4.18)
   a2. Mandrake 8.1 (kernel 2.4.8)
b. for kernel 2.6.x
c. automatically load and configure at next boot time

   a.for kernel 2.4.x
     a1. Redhat 7.3 (linux kernel 2.4.18)
     a1.1. install way 1:
         #make all =>generate sundance.o
         #cp sundance.o /lib/modules/2.4.18-3/kernel/drivers/net/
         #insmod ./sundance.o
         #ifconfig eth0 netmask yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
            eth0 is your network adapter,use "dmesg" to check it, ex: eth0, eth1...
            xxx  is your ip address, ex:
            yyy  is your netmask address, ex:

     a1.2.  install way 2:
        #make all =>generate sundance.o
        #cp sundance.o /lib/modules/2.4.18-3/kernel/drivers/net/
        [network configuration] =>to setup your ip address
        #ifup eth0
           eth0 is your network adapter, ex: eth0, eth1...	

     a2. Mandrake 8.1 (kernel 2.4.8)
       #make all  => generate sundance.o
       #cp sundance.o /lib/modules/2.4.8-26mdk/kernel/drivers/net
       #insmod ./sundance.o
       #ifconfig eth0 netmask yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
           eth0 is your network adapter,use "dmesg" to check it, ex: eth0, eth1...
           xxx  is your ip address, ex:
           yyy  is your netmask address, ex:

   b. for kernel 2.6.x
      #make all  => generate sundance.ko
      #insmod ./sundance.ko (or sundance.o)
      #ifconfig eth0 netmask yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
            eth0 is your network adapter,use "dmesg" to check it, ex: eth0, eth1...
            xxx  is your ip address, ex:
            yyy  is your netmask address, ex:      
   c. automatically load and configure at next boot time
     c1. cp sundance.o /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/net
     *note: The `uname -r` is a command. Don't replace `uname -r` with
            2.4.18, 2.4.20smp, or some others. Must type `uname -r` directly.

     c2. Add the following lines at /etc/modules.conf:
	      alias eth0 sundance
	      options sundance <optional parameters>
     c3. Run "netconfig" or "netconf" to create configuration script 

              ifcfg-eth0 located at /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts or 
              create it manually.
              [see - Configuration Script Sample]

     c4. Driver will automatically load and configure at 
              next boot time.
     c5. Configuration Script Sample
         Here is a sample of a simple configuration script:


3. Driver Parameter
  If you want to change the link speed, you could use parameter after 
  insmod command.
  insmod sundance.o <optional parameter>    ; add parameter

   example: insmod sundance.o media=100mbps_hd
   or	    insmod sundance.o media=3
   or	    insmod sundance.o media=1,2,3,4	; for 4 cards or IP100
  Parameter Description
  You can install this driver without any addtional parameter. However, if 
  you are going to have extensive functions then it is necessary to set 
  extra parameter. Below is a list of the command line parameters supported 
  by the Linux device driver.

media=xxxxxxxxx			- Specifies the media type the NIC operates at.
				  autosense	Autosensing active media.
				  10mbps_hd	10Mbps half duplex.
				  10mbps_fd	10Mbps full duplex.
				  100mbps_hd	100Mbps half duplex.
				  100mbps_fd	100Mbps full duplex.
				  0		Autosensing active media.
				  1		10Mbps half duplex.
				  2		10Mbps full duplex.
				  3		100Mbps half duplex.
				  4		100Mbps full duplex.
				  By default, the copper devices operate at 
				  autosense, the fiber devices operate at
				  100Mbps full duplex.
				  Note that, the fiber adapter only support 
				  100Mbps half/full duplex types.	

  If wanting to change speed, this driver needed to be unloaded and reloaded with 
  new media parameter. Use rmmod to unload and insmod to reload driver.
   example: rmmod sundance.o 
   	    insmod sundance.o media=3

flowctrl=[0|1]			- Specifies the flow control function.
				  0	Disable flow control.	
				  1	Enable flow control.	

4. None EEPROM
  If you want to use none eeprom solution. Please put EEPROM EEDO pin to GND.
  And, please add following -DNO_EEPROM define in Makefile, and re-compile again.


  This is a special tool for OEM embedded system to burn eeprom value with 
  MAC address. It is not for normal user. If you need this tool, please contact
  us directly. Thanks.
  5.1. unzip and put 'mp directory' in the same directory with

  5.2. Change Makefile:

  Rebuild and load driver

  5.3. Read MAC address form EEPROM
  #cat /proc/ICPlus_eth0/IPF_EEPROM

  5.4. Write MAC address to EEPROM
  #echo "001122334455">/proc/ICPlus_eth0/IPF_EEPROM

  5.5. Convert EEPROM.TXT to eeprom_data.h
  run eep_cvrt.exe will convert EEPROM.txt to eeprom_data.h for linux driver
and the folders mentioned in auto configuration dont exist and i dont know how to creat a configuration script
ohh btw this are the files in the cd:

Old 05-25-2012, 08:46 PM   #2
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2012
Posts: 8

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
Are you able to run the command
in the terminal window and paste the results here?

Have you also downloaded the latest drivers from

Last edited by peanutsmonkey; 05-25-2012 at 08:55 PM.
Old 05-26-2012, 08:30 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2012
Posts: 3

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: Disabled
thank you very much. but i solved it installing linux mint debian and it worked...
can you tell me which backtrack version shuould i download? backtrack 5 r2 doesnt work in my machine...
Old 05-28-2012, 04:40 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: May 2012
Posts: 8

Rep: Reputation: Disabled
Your question is quite vague. What do you want to use BackTrack? What do you mean by it doesn't work on your device? It is probably better to post this as a different question as it has nothing to do with your original question. It'll help reduce any confusion.
Old 05-28-2012, 04:51 PM   #5
Registered: Jan 2012
Location: Cairo, Egypt
Distribution: MX Linux, Ubuntu 18.04
Posts: 336

Rep: Reputation: 42
you should mark the thread as solved


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