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Old 07-24-2007, 05:12 AM   #1
Registered: Mar 2006
Posts: 43

Rep: Reputation: 15
Linux firewalls with virus checking?

I had an IPCop box that had the motherboard die. I should be rebuilding it soon, but I'm not sure if I'm going to go with IPCop this time around. One of the addons that I was looking to install on IPCop was Copfilter virus and spam filtering. I have found a couple of other firewalls that come with this feature built in, ClarkConnect and Endian, but is this a feature that I really want? I am worried that the process of checking for Viruses of every packet would slow down my internet speed, or is this purely hardware dependent. If its hardware dependent then my hardware should be fast enough. If its going to slow my speed down then I think that I would be happy with just a URL filter. Any input would be great, thanks.
Old 07-24-2007, 11:10 PM   #2
Registered: Mar 2007
Distribution: OpenBSD-CURRENT
Posts: 485
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IpCop with Adv.Proxy/CopFilter is great. If the machine is reasonably fast, you shouldn't see *much* slow-down in internet speed (ftp is a different story, as the IpCop machine has to download the entire file and scan it before passing it least that's my understanding of it, at least).

I personally prefer to run an OpenBSD pf machine out front if I'm going to be running any type of proxy software that modifies the iptables rules, but that's just my personal paranoia. YMMV.


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