Originally Posted by TS Tinarwo
How do I backup home directory in Linux. Its my first time to use Linux.
I suppose that 'how' depends on several factors, including, but not limited to:
1) how much data are we talking about (a few word documents, or an entire music/video library/photo album etc..)
2) what kind of data (text compresses better than video/photos/audio which are usually already compressed, so trying to re-compress video/music/audio won't have a significant impact and can sometimes even be LARGER in a compressed archive rather than smaller)
3)on to what medium are we trying to back up the data? blank optical media? an external hard drive/thumb drive? a network volume? a backup service?
4) how often does the data on your home directory change? daily, weekly, monthly?
the simplest imho would be TAR however
tar -vcjf backup.tar.bz2 /home/{user}
than copy that to your desired medium
simplest however isn't necessarily the best, but tar usually works and doesn't require any configuration.