Hi there. I do have Oracle VirtualBox with a Ubuntu 32 bit VM on it. I need to know if this task can be accomplished with LibreOffice Impress. I am reading
this manual but so far could not figure out if it is possible.
Imagine a
2-sphere with a fixed radius = 1.0, a ball simply speaking. Then there is a spherical coordinate system defined on it. Then there is a 2-D function defined on this 2-sphere. A nice analogue will be the altitude on earth surface, like Rocky Mountains or the like. So, the function of altitude F(phi, theta) of two angles is given as a set of numbers (numerical input). Can I draw a figure of this altitude (a relief as they say) using the LibreOffice Impress? I won't need the whole sphere to show on the drawing, only a small segment and actually that segment can be approximated by a plane perhaps.
If Impress cannot do it, then what software will be useful to accomplish it?
Thanks for answers.