Hello, (and Merry Christmas/New Year),
I have installed Debian 3.1 (Sarge) on one of my ageing Compaq M300 laptops. I am ok on with installing applications from the CD-ROM's using APTITUDE, but my problem is this:-
I would like to watch commercial DVD's. I have downloaded LIBDVDCSS and saved it to the HDD & USB memory stick/pen-drive and I would like to know how I go about installing it. As I am a 'newbie' to the LINUX command line/terminal please help me.
I have searched for similar threads and the only one I could find was for an install with another LINUX distro and I got a little lost.
Also, my USB memory stick/pen-drive is seen and avalible under 'Gnome' but not 'KDE'. How do I get 'KDE' to see it?
Many thanks,
Last edited by pjr2761; 12-25-2007 at 12:51 PM.
Reason: not completed