Originally Posted by Mike Routledge
I have a spare PC running Windows XP. I would like to replace
XP with Linux. Should I remove XP first? My PC has a 60.gig hard drive with 1.gig of ram.
Since you want to replace XP with Linux, the full story is:
a)Get a LiveCD of whichever Linux distro you want to use (free as a download, or purchase from vendors you can find on Distrowatch.com)
b)Run the LiveCD, don't install yet - that way you can see how well your computer handles the graphics the distro uses (sometimes an issue)
c)If it performs to your satisfaction, doubleclick the Install icon on the LiveCD desktop and answer the questions. When it comes to how you want to install, choose "Use the whole harddrive", or however it is phrased.
d)The installer will do the rest.