Kickstart Script can i create a file in %pre and %include it in the command section?
I am trying to have one config file where i store all variables i will need to define throughout the kickstart such as: ip, timezone, ntp server and others. In the pre section i want to divide that config file into two different files. One for variables needed in cmd section and one for variables needed in post. I need two different because cmd is parsed by python and post is bash.
So in pre i create a file /tmp/cmdVariables.cfg
Can i %include this newly created file in my command section no?
%include /tmp/cmdVariables.cfg
I am getting a error when i try to install: Unable to open input kickstart file: Could not open/read file:///tmp/commandVariables.cfg
Last edited by Rogue45; 07-20-2012 at 02:09 PM.