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Old 11-23-2009, 12:38 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2009
Posts: 9

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kickstart file help needed

I have downloaded a copy of AsteriskNOW (based on CentOS), what I need to do now is install some of my own configuration files and web pages. Once I downloaded the ISO image I opened it in magicISO, opened the kickstart file (AsteriskNOW-ks.cfg) and modified it to look like the following:

# AsteriskNOW 1.5 Kickstart file.

lang en_US.UTF-8
keyboard us
firewall --disabled
selinux --disabled
firstboot --enabled
authconfig --enableshadow --enablemd5
bootloader --location=mbr
network --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp


%post --nochroot
#copy HR system files to server
mkdir /mnt/sysimage/var/www/html/HR
cp /mnt/sysimage/NEWFOLDER/HR/* /mnt/sysimage/var/www/html/HR
NOTE: I have only added everything from %post down. I have more files to copy over but this is just for a test.

Here are my problems:

Problem 1: When I try to create the HR folder it doesnt create correctly but has a question mark on the end eg. HR?

Problem 2: Nothing copies over into the HR folder, now this is probably because there is no folder named HR becauase it gets named HR? BUT im unsure if im referencing the source folder correctly. I created a folder named NEWFOLDER in the root of the CD, is this correct?

Any help would be great.

Old 11-23-2009, 12:54 AM   #2
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