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Linux - Newbie This Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux.
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Old 05-12-2004, 12:38 PM   #1
Registered: May 2004
Distribution: Fedora Core 2
Posts: 50

Rep: Reputation: 15
keyboard shortcuts?

Hi all

I want to set some keyboard shortcuts in KDE but I don't know how. I have several questions....

1) I want to find out about the hotkeys that I set by right clicking into the k menu and clicking menu editor... where can I find the file that governs all those hotkeys?

2) I want to set some hotkeys for command: xmms -r and xmms -f. These are commands for skipping and rewinding tracks, but I don't know how to set the shortcut.

3) And also a hotkey for show desktop... I am not sure what the command for that is.


thats about it... and a more slightly unrelated question, with xmms, when i click on mp3s to queue them up, the bar for xmms starts appearing in my panel, for every mp3 i get one - so if I were to queue 10 mp3s by clicking one at a time I would get 10 loading bars in my panel but after a minute or so they disappear... is there a way to fix this?

My file type is mp3 and the program to use is xmms - and the desktop file is in ~/.kde/share/applink/.hidden/xmms.desktop and it runs the command xmms.. but I dont think thats where the problem is. Can someone help me out?



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