Originally posted by Zeebro
Well no, of course I want it in uk. I'm a n00b not a doorwedge ;). No offence intended, thanks very much for the input everyone. I had a look at rc.keymap and this is pointing to /usr/bin/loadkeys uk.map however no file/dir of the latter exists in /usr/bin so I'm stumped again. The rc.keymap also states that there are more keymaps in /usr/share/kbd but again this directory is not present.
I also removed the rc.keymap but I'm still getting a US which I guess is understandable. :(
On my slack 8.1 machine(s) it loadkeys
lives in /bin, not /usr/bin ...
grep loadkeys /var/log/packages/*
to see where it went ... maybe you're
script (rc.keymap) is pointing to the wrong
file.... if all else fails re-install the keyboard-package:
installpkg <your_cd_rom>/slackware/a/kdb*.tgz