I have downloaded kernel update rpms from an FTP mirror site; but as a newbie I approach the subject of kernel updates with a healthy dose of fear and respect.
The version I have downloaded is for Mandrake 9.1. Now I made a lot of other updates, and the installer which comes with Mandrake conveniently lists what version is momentarily installed and what version is newest on the mirror. The trouble is, with the various kernel versions listed on the site (Enterprise, Secure etc.) each and everone of those says 'none' is currently installed - which can't very well be, since I am running Linux
I get the impression I am missing something here. Now, supposing I let the update install kernel-, what does actually happen? I take it that the enterprise, secure, smp and probably source versions are not needed - but that even the simple version lists 'none' as currently installed is a bit of a warning sign to me.
Can anybody please help?