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Old 07-10-2003, 01:48 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Germany
Distribution: Try to learn about SuSE Mandrake Debian(Knoppix)
Posts: 24

Rep: Reputation: 15
Question KDE 3.0 to 3.1


i tried to update KDE 3.0 to KDE 3.1 i tried it with rpmīs but Yast wasnīt able to accept the directory where the packages had been( so it could have solved problems like one package needs another one by itself). I only could open and install one by another leading to the problem that sometimes i got the message another package was needed so a few times i could solve it by installing the other package first but some like libkateso.... i havnīt found yet even not on the disk with packages for KDE 3.1 (Linux User Disk - packages for SuSE 8.1 & SuSE 8.0) and after it installed just half of it a reboot leeds just to a shell and canīt start x anymore.
So i decided tor try it with the sources of KDE 3.1.2 . I unpacked first the KDElibs 3.1.2 and started with (first time SuSE 8.0 because this Distro has every package installed from the DVD like all devels and so, i guessed it might needed, the SuSE 8.1 is just a two disc Distro an i donīt know yet whether it has also all libs it would need to compile by itself)
./ configure
but it showed just the message
bad interpreter : Permission denied ???
iīm root and i donīt know what to do anymore?
may someone help me thanks a lot, because i already had two questions in another forum but i did the within the post of another one already stated maybe tht was wrong so i try it now by creating an own direct post..
Please donīt laugh

Thanks for any help


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