hello,my name is jozef :-)
kind of tired of seeking all over the net for this specific problem i turn to the people of this forum if they might have a solution or some links to a possible solution for my old laptop..??
sorry if my english seems bad but i am from belgium and it is not verry good i know ;-)
the problem i have is not so simple to explain too,
i have a compaq armada 1750 pentium II at 333mhz
system board 500,numùeric processor integrated 387 compatible? or whatever that means??
i wanted to repair it cause it seemed a good laptop and i found a site on how to do it also from a to z explaining on how to repar or upgrade it
and i am kind of a man who likes to repair things so i thought why not give it a try?
now what the problem is it wil not recognise the cdrom or the hardrive??
i had an older hardrive and i thought it might be the problem??
the old hd was a"ibm travelstar 4.3 gb" and had nothing but troubble,not recognized!
thus i bought a newer one"hitachi travelstar 20gb"on ebay
thinking it might be the hardrive,the seller said it was a compattible one,
now here it is,it won't be recognized either,the cdrom doesn't register either like before so i am sitting here with the same problem as before!
the cables ar all intact and i tried every possible sollution on the site,attempting to reboot the system but no deal!
sought after other possible siolution till i went dizzy of browsing and nobody seems to have a solution??
stupid but i fdisked the system before i tried to repair it attempting to reinstall windows on it and sinds then i had troubble with the hardrive and the cdrom not registering,seems from what i read alover the internet that the bios was on the original harddrive but now has been erased by fdisking it and reformatting,so i tried to reinstall the bios using the sugested "Personal Computer Diagnostics - sp12906.exe "
on several sites but i get a warning in the compaq utilities boot"setup.exe was unable to execute,please insert the setup dinkette"
sinds i have no setup diskette i don't know what i'm doing wrong?
i canot find a setup diskette as mentioned on the net annywere? and even if i could would that make the cdrom and the hardrive register?
i can not create a diagnostics partition with the service packs from compaq sp12906.exe or another set i tried i can not upgrade it either cause it simply doesn't recognize the harddrive :-(
have any of you an idea of how to reboot my system from scratch?
meaning no bios,no harddrive,no cdrom? just the diskette??
I KNOW my cdrom must work sinds i hear it running so what's wrong??
ANNYBODY,,thanks in advance jozef and sorry if my english is somewhat hard to read,i'm trying to inprove it ;-)