krdc and x2vnc
If you are using the Remote Control program included with the latest SuSE or Mandrake - krdc - then you can simply click the button from the menu at the top of the window. Nice.
Also of note: I have 3 monitors on my desktop, the two center & right are running on SuSE 9.1 on one system and the other is on a Windows XP box (yea, I know but my work requires it and that's my job - supporting this failing OS).
So what I'm getting at is I can mouse within all three montiors! Yeah, it's nice. 1 & 2 are using nvidia's xinerama extension. I mouse over to #3 using a little known free program called x2vnc and of course vnc on #3. Just Google for x2vnc. It's very sweet and I've tried it with 5 monitors; works just the same & amazes the crap out of my windows customers... hehe.
Last edited by hotkoolaid; 08-05-2004 at 07:41 PM.