I have 389-DS ( Fedora DS) setup on CentOS 5.3 and working fine.
I configured LDAP Client and want to login as user created under fedora DS Client.
From Client Machine, I can easily see:
[root@fedoraDS-Client ~]# id ajrain
uid=569(ajrain) gid=569 groups=569 context=root:system_r:unconfined_t:SystemLow- SystemHigh
This is User from LDAP Server(fedora DS Server) which is showing in Client Machine.So It means its retreiving value from Server.Correct?
Now When I am trying to login , it says "Server unexpectedly closed network Connection" when I supplied user passsword:
login as: ajrain
ajrain@fedoraDS-Client's password:
The File /var/log/secure says:
Jan 27 02:39:27 localhost sshd[3996]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failur e; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=ajrain
Jan 27 02:39:27 localhost sshd[3996]: Failed password for ajrain from 10.210.53. 104 port 1241 ssh2
Jan 27 02:39:27 localhost sshd[3997]: fatal: Access denied for user ajrain by PA M account configuration
Any Idea what could be the issue.