Hello and welcome to LQ. Please note the thread you started doesn't meet the minimum threshold that would enable us to help you. We understand that Linux can be intimidating for new members, and we really do want to help. That said, please understand that LQ is not a help desk, customer service line for a product you purchased or willing to do your homework (although we are happy to assist you with specifics, if you show some effort of your own!). We're a 100% volunteer organization that wants to help you help yourself. Asking questions in a manner that allows us to help you increases the likelihood that we will be able to do so.
Here are a couple tips that will enable us to help you moving forward:
- Before posting, have you used the search function to ensure your question hasn't been asked before?
- When asking a question, be sure to provide as many relevant details as possible. You should include the distribution and version
you're using, along with hardware details, application version and exact error messages where applicable.
- Using a descriptive title will vastly increase the number of members who see your thread, and therefore make a response
significantly more likely.
- If you're actively troubleshooting an issue you should also include any steps you've already taken.
- You may want to include how what you are experiencing differs from what you expected to experience.
- You can edit your post by clicking the EDIT button in the bottom right corner of your message.
If you are unwilling or unable to ask questions in a manner that allows us to help you, it's unlikely our community will be able to provide you a solution. Unfortunately, serial offenders who show wanton disregard for this request after multiple pointers may be asked to seek help elsewhere. We truly hope that isn't necessary, and assure you Linux and Open Source are extremely rewarding and well worth the learning curve in the long run.
Some additional reading that may help:
LQ Search
LQ Sitemap
How to ask technical questions to get quality answers