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Farquar210 03-02-2004 02:46 PM

Is There a version of Realplayer that will work with Debian Linux?
Hello, Folks,
I'm new to Linux; I'm running Debian and Redhat Enterprise Workstation. Recently, I went to a favorite web page to listen to some music ( Unfortunately, you have to have realplayer to listen. I went to, but couldn't find one listed for Debian. Any suggestions?
Thanks much!

Rounan 03-02-2004 04:24 PM

Mplayer has browser plugins that allow you to play Realplayer content.

It's notoriously hard to install, and must (usually) be compiled from source.

There was also a detailed install guide I found through a lot of googling... and then didn't bookmark. oops. Check the links off that site.


XavierP 03-02-2004 04:38 PM

MPlayer is a piece of cake to install. You need the following files:
the MPlayer tarball
the codecs (get all of them, save some hassle)
if you want a gui, get the fonts and skins file.

Then, after unpacking the tar file, type in either
./configure or
./configure --enable-gui

Since I can never remember where the codecs, etc go (and because I'm lazy ;)) I normally then read the last few lines of the output - the program complains that it can't find the codecs or fonts/skins. Create the required directory and copy the codecs, etc into the directories. Rerun the ./configure (--enable-gui if req'd), then type "make (minus the quotes), then become root with the su command and then type make install.

Exit from root, and, for the gui, type in gmplayer. Lo, you have MPlayer.

XavierP 03-02-2004 04:40 PM

or just try "apt-get install real", there may be a RealPlayer accessible via apt.


vectordrake 03-02-2004 06:15 PM

The easiest way to get real player right now seems to get Mozilla and install mozplugger. It usually starts getting all the rest of the required components as well, and you end up with all that you want anyways (not just the plugins). But, you could always unpack the tarball and run it that way.

try here for directions for what you actually want to do. My google search term was "realplayer debian download". First page had this hit. Good luck.

Farquar210 06-14-2004 06:54 AM

Hi, Everyone,
Many thanks to all who answered my post! I've been out of the country (I went to Tasmania on an extended vacation, and had no access to my computer. I will be trying out your suggestions asap. Thanks again!


fida 06-14-2004 07:20 AM

There is a realplayer version 8 for linux.Go toTucows Linux section and you will find it.:)

jdruin 08-02-2004 12:49 PM

For those looking at this post for a solution, there is a guide for installing RealPlayer on Debian at:

HappyTux 08-02-2004 10:30 PM

For anyone searching who finds this dead thread that has been revived.


## Various Multimedia Helper Apps Mplayer, Real, etc.. ##
deb unstable main

In the sources list and apt-get update and apt-get install realplayer to get it. For the new Helix Player.


## Helix Player
deb ./

Then apt-get update and apt-get install helix-player to get it.

zero0w 08-03-2004 09:39 AM

Real Player 10 for Linux released:

HappyTux 08-03-2004 02:02 PM


Originally posted by zero0w
Real Player 10 for Linux released:

That would be the Helix Player mentioned in my post above.

proudclod 08-03-2004 02:35 PM

Nope, this is the final gold release of realplayer 10, which is helix player, but code frozen and with realmedia codecs :)

HappyTux 08-03-2004 02:55 PM


Originally posted by proudclod
Nope, this is the final gold release of realplayer 10, which is helix player, but code frozen and with realmedia codecs :)
DA!! helix player I mention == helix player you mention. Or have you went and examined the package and found some difference. :rolleyes:

zero0w 08-03-2004 11:14 PM

The debian repository you mentioned does not have realplayer codec with them.

So accessing Real media / MP3 / Flash codec within will still require the official Realplayer 10 GOLD. Don't know when it will get into the non-free respository yet.

The main page ( suggested "it needs special preparation".

eeried 08-04-2004 08:11 AM


The debian repository you mentioned does not have realplayer codec with them. ...
Okay then, what's the use of helix player then?
Is it that it has a mozilla plugin to play other sound files?

As for realplayer 10 for Linux:, quoting from the bottom of the page :
"What's Helix and why does it matter?
RealPlayer 10 for Linux is based on the open source Helix player"

Another nice realplayer lie. realplayer allowed helix community to build a version for Linux.
This version however ought to be able to read real files. The page clearly announces:

Play popular datatypes

RealPlayer 10 supports RealAudio, RealVideo 10, MP3, Ogg Vorbis and Theora, H263, AAC and more.
:Pengy: Question: Has anybody tried this version? Is it less of a villain on Linux than it is on Windoz (stealing files associations, etc?).

As for the .deb package, the changes file says:

helix-player (1.0.0-1) unstable; urgency=low
* Final GOLD release of the Helix Player 1.0
* ITP report: Closes #258417
* RFP report: Closes #181322"

The helix community news show the differences between real 10 and helix1.0 (

Basic Features of the players:
- Gtk+/Gnome interface
- Accelerated Video and FullScreen Playback
- Support for free and open mediatypes - Ogg Vorbis/Theora, H261
- Mozilla browser plug-in
- RTSP streaming
- Elegant UI
- Installer and RPM packages

RealPlayer 10 for Linux adds the following features:
- RealAudio 10 / RealVideo 10
- MP3,
- Flash playback
- More robust RTSP via RDT

So clearly, Helix doesn't yet read real files. You need Real(-Helix)10.

So it would be better to install Mplayer. It may be a cinch, but first you need to check you have everything that's required, quite a lot-- there's a long file on the site about all this. however if you have a recent Linux version, evrything's should be there already, except perhaps the codecs..
I'm not sure there's a plugin for Mozilla browsers.

Finally I learnt codecs have to be copied in /usr/local/lib/codecs -- someone here saying he was too lazy to look for the location.


eeried 08-04-2004 09:12 AM

Well, I tried to download the Real10 bz2 file from helix community: you need to register -- the page is encrypted according to Mozilla but still --

I'm downloading the bin file from the Realplayer -- remarkably nothing is asked, quite a change from Real's usual attitude.

Helix is doing Real a lot of good!

By the way how do you install a bz2 file? Is it the same as installing a tar.gz file?

vectordrake 08-04-2004 09:21 AM

.bz2 unzips the same way with a different flag

.tar.gz is unzipped by

tar -xzvf <filename>
.bz2 files should open with

tar xjvf <filename>
The real player doesn't seem to hijack a lot except realmedia files. It does open with Mozilla but not with Opera or Konqueror without a manual intervention (tell it where the path to the mozilla plugin, IOW). Its okay, but if you have a properly-configured Mplayer, you may not really need Realplayer.

eeried 08-04-2004 10:38 AM

Thanks for the info on bz2, vectordrake.

Yes I'm sure MPlayer is much better than realplayer, but my distro is a bit old, and I may run into some problems -- I'll have a thorough look at the marillat deb packages which seems to hold all the necessary files :


eeried 08-04-2004 12:21 PM

Realplayer10 for Linux
Hello again,

I've just installed Realplayer10gold for Linux (mixture of helix and realplayer to put it blundly) and it's working fine for what I need it : to listen to BBC-radio4.
To listen to ram or rm files that I downloaded from the web, Xmms is fine.

Note: I downloaded the bin file from the reaplayer on windoz, and was therefor able to check if realplayer set a spyware or other nasty: nothing untoward according to SpybotSD -- realplayer seems to have cleaned its act.

Install was easy of course.
If you installed mozilla or firefox from the tar.gz files in /usr/local/ instead of the default location you get when you install through apt-get for instance, you'll have to symlink (ln -s) the two files you'll find in the realplayer dir/mozilla to your ~/.mozilla/plugins folder ( and nphelix.xpt) and to your firefox dir/plugins folder (mine is /usr/local/firefox/).
realplayer-helix installed the symlinks to /usr/lib/mozilla, and in /usr/lib/mozillafirefox/plugins folder.

Next step will be installing Mplayer with the mozilla plugin.

Cheers, ;)

MS-outLINUX-in! 06-05-2005 05:53 AM

Realplayer in GNU/Linux
I can tell Realplayer 10 installer (RealPlayer10GOLD.bin) is runable on new versions of GNU/Linux based distributions. But, as i use debian woody (currently the stable distribution), Realplayer 10 has its dependency problems. Somehow did not succeed in installing Realplayer 8. Tried running the installation binaries rp8_linux20_libc6_i386_cs1.bin, there was again dependancy problems. Then I tried converting rp8_linux20_libc6_i386_cs1_rpm to .deb. First i had to rename the rp8_linux20_libc6_i386_cs1_rpm to rp8_linux20_libc6_i386_cs1.rpm, then ran a programm called "alien" on that .rpm, what created a .deb file. After installing with dpkg -i realplayer_8.0-2_i386.deb . I was able to start the realplayer, yes, but somehow, thouth every sound application was closed, got the message "Cannot open the audio device. Another application may be using it." After a few tries.... finaly gave it up and installed MPlayer. first unpacked and placed the codecs ( where it is said to be (see manuals in mplayers homepage). then compied the source. This system is able to play now wma, mms://something.somewhere and other, but... still no sound form realplayer .ram files intended for realplayer.

I would appreciate it, if someone who is using Debian Woody has managed to play realplayer files, would tell, how you do it. Was not lucky in using google this time.

vectordrake 06-05-2005 06:38 AM

I don't use Woody (but I did when it was first released) but I think that I may have a direction you may find the answer. If I'm not mistaken, I think that the Real player still outputs its sound to oss. If you've got alsa running but without the oss comatibility layer, then that may be the problem. You'd likely have to recompile your kernel to include that support if so. Maybe calling the player fromt he command line will give a clue as to what is going on as well. LOL. I didn't realize I was still subbed to this thread...

MS-outLINUX-in! 06-05-2005 08:50 AM

Realplayer under Debian
Thank you. Found a solution, but a little different one. I was trying to run realplay under KDE all the time. Googled up the helix project. The player is ment for gnome! Changed the desktop enviroment to gnome and it worked (i would not say works fine, but at least SOME sound comes out)!

vectordrake 06-05-2005 09:42 AM

LOL. I've a developer profile at Helix and don't develop. I can't delete it because I signed up when the alpha version of Helix was out and only developers could get a copy of the code. I used a hotmail address back then that I no longer have so I can't delete the profile. Shame, as I was beta-testing an providing feedback. I shoulda been more careful.

Gnome works because OSS is the sound engine it uses. If you want Realplayer to work under KDE too, you can install ALSA and use the oss compatibility module. Then, you can use ALSA for all your sound, regardless of what desktop you're booted to (arts is still flakey after all these years). I find that the sound quality jumps up from OSS to aRTs to ALSA. YMMV. If you're thinking about it, there are lots of sound experts here on LQ to help.

MS-outLINUX-in! 06-06-2005 12:52 AM

Realplayer and Woody
It appears there is no easy way to install the alsa driver. On woody the supported version is 0.4 and 0.5. Now it is 1.x.
Under gnome realplayer runs only with esound (esd) driver. But the realplayer is rather unstable there (crashed once, and another time it crashed the whole computer).
I can try to upgrade manualy, but that would leave me out of further automated updates for alsa.
And usualy such manual updates to some any newer version leads into a package dependency hell!
Probably will have no other option than buy some extra ram when I will have some loose money (Have an A7N266E with Athlon XP 2600+, but with 120MB ram(30 for videocard so only 90 for applications - therefore I am forced to use some older GNU/Linux version)). That's one of the first motherboard models that has onboard 3D graphics accelerator and a built in sound card with dolby digital 5.1 (a feature i have never used in fact)!
Then just upgrade to Debian Sarge or something else, as Realplayer is not the only program, that is not supported in the good old Debian Woody.
There should be no problems with asla.
Have a nice day!

vectordrake 06-06-2005 04:28 AM

Yes, if you could get more ram, then upgrading would be a clear choice. BTW, you're one of the few people who I've "met" who understands the limitations of kernel versus system ram.

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