After using firefox I have seen the light and realisied that open source is much better than commerical software, Firefox is much much better than IE, and god alone knows how much better Linux will be over windows.
However I may have ran into a small problem I need the internet on 2 computers.My dad on the other hand will not see the light ( He thinks that IE is better than Firefox
. So we decided that we will use wireless networking which will have to be between Linux and windows. Will this work out allright? What are your experiences doing this? Should I avoid any distributions? Or could I use Wine or win-linux to get the networking working.
The Linux machine may have to be directly connected to the internet (It will be reciving the adsl signals and transmitting them to the windows machine). Aparantly My ISP tiscali say they produce no software posibely drivers as well for linux. Could a ADSL modem work on Linux by using default drivers?