installing problem xp after installing linux
hi everybody,
i have successfully installed 32bits rhel6 on my desktop and i have some 18389 MB free spaace while trying to install windows xp on that desktop.
windows xp proseffionsl setup appears, the partition table are as follows:
c: partition1 [unknown] 500 MB (500 mb free)
d: partition2 [unknown] 8972 MB (8972 mb free)
e: partition3 [unknown] 768 MB (768 mb free)
unpartitioned space 18386 MB
while installing linux on my machine i have given
500 mb as /boot
8972 mb as /
768 mb as swap
but xp displays in such way
c: = /boot
d: = /
e: = swap
if iam not wrong.
i have 18368 mb free so while installing xp in that free space the following error occurs:
setup cannot create a new partition in the space you selected because the maximum number of partitions already exists on the disk.
to continue, press ENTER.
what does that mean, can i install xp on that free space or not...? iam new to linux so i someone guide me in right way i'll be greatful.