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Old 01-23-2019, 02:49 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2019
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Installing Linux Mint 19.1 cinnamon to an external hard drive & backing up to another external hard drive.

I am going to install Linus Mint 19.1 Cinnamon to an external hard drive (2TB) and back up to another external hard drive (5TB).

Can I backup Linux and my windows 10 to the same external, 5 TB, hard drive.

I have Acronis True Image for windows. What would be the best back/image for Linux?

Old 01-23-2019, 07:30 PM   #2
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Acronis True Image supports multiple file systems including NTFS, FAT32, ext2, ext3, ext4, ReiserFS, and Linux Swap
Acronis is not free, but since you already have it, you can use it to make a backup image of most of your Linux partitions from Windows (except LVM and some other formats). Linux has tons of free software that can do the exact same thing, most of which must be used from another operating system so that the OS partition you are making an image of is not running (mounted). Acronis can image Windows from within Windows as it's running (mounted). I believe there are Linux software that can do the same.

Since you have 5TB backup drive, it can handle full partition images which include unused space, meaning, if the partition is 1TB in size, the image will also be 1TB in size for a bit for bit image (exact replica), which is how most partition backup utilities create images.

This vendor's various backup utilities only backup used space in a partition and compresses it. For example, if your OS uses up 75GB of space in the 1TB partition, the image file size might only be around 35GB in size instead of 1TB, most partition backup software make bit for bit images which would be 1TB in size. I have no idea if Acronis uses same technology as Terabyteunlimited by only backing up used space. But most Linux ported system backup software back's up everything making the image as large as the partition.

Anyway, there are ton's of software that can achieve whatever you fancy, this article may help decipher the differences.

Last edited by Brains; 01-23-2019 at 07:31 PM.


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