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Linux - Newbie This Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux.
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Old 07-13-2003, 09:22 PM   #16
Registered: Jul 2003
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what u are making is a disk that will tell your pc to look for bootable information on the linux cd [/B]
And that means? A windows 98 boot floppy? or ???
Old 07-13-2003, 09:23 PM   #17
Registered: Jul 2003
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no, simply a cd booter
by keeping both the cd and floppy in the drive, your computer will begin start linux (no changes will be made to your pc)
Old 07-13-2003, 09:25 PM   #18
Registered: Jul 2003
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Originally posted by TheOneAndOnlySM
no, simply a cd booter
by keeping both the cd and floppy in the drive, your computer will begin start linux (no changes will be made to your pc)
and how do I make a cd booter floppy?
Old 07-13-2003, 09:27 PM   #19
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startup windows and put cd 1 in your drive then go into DOS via Start-Programs-Accessories-MSDOS and type the following (just one line at a time, press enter after typing each line)

C:\> d:
D:\> cd \dosutils
D:\dosutils> rawrite
Enter disk image source file name: ..\images\bootdisk.img
Enter target diskette drive: a:
Please insert a formatted diskette into drive A: and
press --ENTER-- : [Enter]

just remember, change d to the drive letter of your cd drive if it isn't already d
Old 07-13-2003, 09:29 PM   #20
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ok, brb
Old 07-13-2003, 11:42 PM   #21
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OK GOT THE CD TO RUN...................

But it says " You have not defined a root partiton ( / ), which is required for installation of Red Hat Linux to continue. "
Old 07-13-2003, 11:55 PM   #22
Registered: Jul 2003
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Would it be better to use "fdisk" or Red Hat Linux to make a Harddrive Partiton?
Old 07-14-2003, 01:57 AM   #23
LQ Guru
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Probably fdisk if you are aware of how to use it. Fdisk will allow you to select exactly the partition you want to 'tweak'. This will give your backup data a far better chance of survival since you will likely know which partition the information is on that you don't wanna mess with.

However RH harddrive Partitioner should work out should you not be familiar with using fdisk, or are afraid to use it.

Old 07-14-2003, 03:16 AM   #24
Registered: Jun 2003
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It's been a fruitful posts. I strongly suggest achieving it.

But one thing I want to have a ask to PionexUser: how much free space you want to give to Linux9?
My opinion is (from my experience): if you want to have a common Linux installed, with X-windows and Gnome or KDE; WITHOUT development kit and Kdevelop; WITHOUT the server tools; enabling the web browsing, enabling the multimedia.
Then you probably need 1.6~1.7G,including the swap space. (not remember clearly). I don't know whether you intend to use that 2G partition for install, that seems to be a little insufficient.
Old 07-14-2003, 03:19 AM   #25
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Oricola, Italy
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One other word, I believe fdisk is a little bit tricky and I always avoid using it. But you should be familiar with fdisk under dos. If you do not want windows any more (given here), you can use dos fdisk to delete all the partitions on your hard drive, and let RH Linux9 setup program to automatically partition your harddrive. (still backup your files first).
Old 07-14-2003, 10:42 AM   #26
Registered: Jul 2003
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alright, i won't be posting until maybe 5 today so let me say what i need:

u are installing linux, u need 3 partitions: /boot (booting stuff), / (root), and SWAP (2 times your ram)

i suggest using Partition Magic (yes i'm serious, i've used it with no hassle for a long time) and use it to resize your harddrive and leave about 4 gigs at the end of your hdd (hopefully someone else can explain more in detail but the program is user friendly) and then use the redhat installer to do automatic partitioning and all should be fine

good luck installing!
Old 07-14-2003, 11:41 AM   #27
Registered: Jul 2003
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Originally posted by TheOneAndOnlySM
alright, i won't be posting until maybe 5 today so let me say what i need:

u are installing linux, u need 3 partitions: /boot (booting stuff), / (root), and SWAP (2 times your ram)

i suggest using Partition Magic (yes i'm serious, i've used it with no hassle for a long time) and use it to resize your harddrive and leave about 4 gigs at the end of your hdd (hopefully someone else can explain more in detail but the program is user friendly) and then use the redhat installer to do automatic partitioning and all should be fine

good luck installing!
Does it work with no os on the system?

Need a bit of help......
I only want two drives now...... ! linux and the other is my back up drive that im not even gonna touch..... So I need to make a /boot and a /?? for linux............

Can anyone walk me through this????
Old 07-14-2003, 12:34 PM   #28
LQ Guru
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Sure, where shall I start? Would you like me to go just through the partitioning portion or do you want me to find you a guide to help with the full install?

Old 07-14-2003, 12:55 PM   #29
LQ Guru
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PionexUser, I don't know what time it is on Earth (your location ) but I've got to get a bit of a wink. I'll be back on later, around 5 PM PST (that's GMT -8), and of course all night long as usual (10pm til ~5AM GMT-8).

I'll be glad to help you then if no one else will step up. If you wish to follow a guide, I don't know if I already pointed this out to you, but here's the official one:
RH 9 install Guide
RH 8 install guide

Whichever one you got

Old 07-14-2003, 05:05 PM   #30
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Dallas, TX
Distribution: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
Posts: 987

Rep: Reputation: 30
phoenix, u got an email address, i'll send u some info


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