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Linux - Newbie This Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux.
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Old 07-18-2004, 02:04 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2004
Distribution: redhat 9
Posts: 10

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Question installing java plug ins for mozilla

Hi all you penguins!

I have just recently started using redhat 9, and need some help.
I am trying to install the java plugins, so i can use the yahoo chat service (if you know a way that I can do that with out the plugins, let me know). I've read the install info, and when i go to the cmd line and type what it says, it tells me there's no such file or directory. I have tried going to /usr/bin/mozilla/plugins (or something similar) and drag the appropriate files, but it tells me i don't have the proper credentials. Should I try that on my root account, and will it be a global change?

Thanks in advance,

Old 07-18-2004, 02:20 AM   #2
Mega Man X
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Hi and welcome to!

Take a look in here:

that post is meant to help installing LimeWire (a P2P), but I also try to describe how to install the mozilla plugin.

If you have any problems, let me know

Good luck!
Old 07-19-2004, 03:17 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2004
Distribution: redhat 9
Posts: 10

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maybe i'm an idiot...

maybe i'm an idiot, but i tried doing exactly what that says, but i can't get it to work. i've only been using linux for about 4 days. i appreciate the help, but if you could maybe email me a guide or message me on aim @ b627forever or on yahoo @ bnc_627_bnc <<<also email addy>>> i'd appreciate it. name a time and day <<i'm in central standard>> and i'll be on.

Thanks for your help.


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