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Old 11-01-2007, 03:57 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2007
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Installing Grub from Slackware DVD

Hi! Im trying to dual boot xp and slackware. So Im done installing slack. How do i go about installing grub? Id like to install it in a separate boot partition so i could have ntldr just "chainload" it(That's what I did with my previous fedora installation). I know there's a grub package in the slackware install disk. How do I install it from there?

Thanks in advance.
Old 11-01-2007, 04:40 AM   #2
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Whether or not you have a separate /boot partition depends on what was done when you installed. (Although with a little effort you could change that now, but there is really no need to.) What you want to do is install GRUB to either the /boot partition if it exists, or otherwise install it to "/" rather than installing it to the MBR.

See if this post helps.

If grubconfig is as straightforward as Ahmed says it is, it should give you the option of where to install GRUB.
Old 11-01-2007, 09:00 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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cannot find kernel

thanks! the grubconfig worked. however, i have a new problem. grubconfig asks to refer a directory for the kernel(it says something like /boot/vmlinuz being the usual location). i think i wasn't able to install one as i can't find anything in /boot...

does the default install of slackware really not include kernel?
how do i install one? pls help.
Old 11-01-2007, 10:29 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by djre View Post
i think i wasn't able to install one as i can't find anything in /boot...

does the default install of slackware really not include kernel?
I've not yet used Slackware, but I can't imagine that the default (or any!) install doesn't include a kernel! Make sure you are looking at the actual Slackware partition(s) and not at the installation disk's filesystem. If you have the Slackware "/" partition mounted at (for example) /mnt/hda1, then you need to look at /mnt/hda1/boot. If this directory is empty, my guess is that Slackware installed the /boot directory on its own partition (a common -- but not required -- way to do things). If so, Slackware would mount this partition at /boot when it booted.

If you still can't find anything, see if you can get to a GRUB command prompt from the live DVD. I think you can do this by doing what you've already done (minus grubconfig) and then typing grub. The prompt should look like grub>. If you can get to this prompt, type

find vmlinuz
and post the results. You can exit grub with the command quit.

EDIT: following my example above, you can look at /mnt/hda1/etc/fstab to look to see if Slackware will mount anything at /boot and if so what partition it will use.

Last edited by blackhole54; 11-01-2007 at 10:31 PM.


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