installing first linux my PClinuxOS livecd stop running at fatal server error
I am the first time going to install linux on my PC. but when I boot from the livecd, it stop at fatal error server. I have set the ACPI in the power management to "disable" and it does not take effect. first I use the "3D OS" version DVD, it does not work. the proses is success until commandpromt only. I login as root and it/s OK. I type startx and then process..... and stop at fatal error server. I use another livecd but the result is the same. but I succed in running linux knoppix on my PC and I can not install it, because it's only dor livecd porpuses.
The message on the computer are :
unable to open socket inet6
transport open failed for inet6/localhost:0
the final report is :
fatal error server no screen found
X10 fatal IO error 104 (connection reset by peer) on X server ":0.0"
my PC specification :
proc AMD athlonx2 4000+, motherboard biostar TF7025-M2,
memmory 1 Gb, harddisk 80 Gb.
My video card is on board. it is nvidea (in manual book is written "graphic = intergrated in Geforce 7025/NF630a Chipset")
what do I have to do?
Last edited by agussuwarso; 03-09-2008 at 04:29 AM.
Reason: to complete the spec of my PC