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Old 01-29-2004, 11:05 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2004
Posts: 8

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Unhappy Installation of Fedora and Redhat 9.0 freezes after Monitor detection during Anaconda

I am trying to install Fedora or Redhat 9.0 from CD, and during the installation process, at the very beginning, I run into the following issue:
Immediately after the step where the Anaconda Installer Package is "probing for Monitor Type," the installation freezes and goes no further. This occurs for both Fedora and RedHat 9.0.
I have tested the Media of both disks during the installation process.
I have tried running the installation of both disks in graphical and textual mode.
I have tried using different monitors.

Does anyone know what step comes next in the Anaconda Installer program that it is having a hiccup on or what might be causing this SNAFU?

I was having problems with my CD-Media until someone showed me the right way to burn ISOs yesterday, and this is still the same machine, a Compaq 1850.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Old 01-30-2004, 09:40 AM   #2
LQ Newbie
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Hi, as a follow-up to my post yesterday, I tried to do the following: run the installation disabling probing, but the option didn't take with 9.0 - any ideas why this might be so? I clicked on F2 for options, and it told me to type in "linux noprobe" to disable probing - I hoped this might stop the Anaconda installed from probing, but it doesn't. Incidentally, I tried this disk on another machine, and it installed just fine - the line of code right afterwards is "probing for mouse" and I even used the same mouse from the successful installation on this installation, but to no avail.
For some reason, I cannot seem to get my installation disk to NOT probe for this stupid mouse and just install the darn system! GRRR!!!
Any thoughts would be much appreciated!
Thanks again,
Old 01-30-2004, 09:46 AM   #3
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Does it do a pure text install? If it needs to configure X and insists on probing you will continue to have this problem. You guessed right that you need to disable probing.

No worries though, if you disable it you will still get a working X but you just have to manually set the values. I had a friend's computer do the same thing to me. I don't know why disabling the probing isn't working though. Been a long time since I installed RH....
Old 01-30-2004, 11:18 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
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Thanks frob23, I think the problem might actualy be that neither HP nor Linux support nor certify the 1850 for installations of Linux above 6.2, so I am not going to try and move forward with this installation on this machine any longer. Next time I think I will do a little more research before I dive right in! ;-) Thanks for the assistance though! :-)
Old 01-30-2004, 11:18 AM   #5
Registered: Jan 2004
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I haved installed linux (mandrake 9.2, RedHat 9.0, and Suse 7.0 & 9.0) a couple of times each trying to solve a harware problem... now that i found the hardware problem and installed on a smaller Hard Drive it worked fine. Then I decided to install on a larger hard drive and none of the above mentioned OS work except for suse 7.0. I have tried the other HD drive, new CDrom, checked the ISO's on another PC (they work), all different kinds of different kinds of trouble shooting. Still they all freeze at the beginning of the install. Its like my mother board had enough of OS install, anyone heard of a mobo giving out on to many installs?
Old 03-01-2004, 07:39 PM   #6
LQ Newbie
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I too have a 1850 server and experienced the same issue. We'll, after many hours of deadends, I discovered a solution. type linux nofb nousb when it asks for text versus x install method. Note you may have to set-up the mouse again post install.
Old 03-02-2004, 08:47 AM   #7
LQ Newbie
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Thanks Cparks12,
I will give this a try if we go forward with another 1850 installation, thanks!
Much appreciated!


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