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Linux - Newbie This Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux.
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Old 07-16-2003, 10:17 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Reading, UK
Posts: 22

Rep: Reputation: 15
Install Software, where's the icon?!

I'm having problems finding software after I've installed it. A good example is Netscape. It downloads and installs fine without error.
But... Where's the icon?!!! I could create a shortcut I guess, if I knew what the executable was called!

I seem to have this trouble with most packages I install.

I'm using SUSE 8.2, but have also tried Redhat 9. The same problem exists with either distribution. I found SUSE a bit more friendly, so I'm inclined to run that. As I'm a newbie, does anyone have any views on that choice?

All help much appreciated.
Old 07-16-2003, 11:27 AM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Mar 2002
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Rh, SuSE, Mandrake or Xandros (right?) are all good choices for newbies. So most people will have their oppinion on which is better, but in the end it's simply personal choice. If you have the opportunity give each one a try to find the one you like best.

Now onto the show...

A lot of the software you will install will be installed into what's known as your PATH. This PATH is a location on your system (or several locations actually) that you don't have to use the full path to run programs from. That way, all you have to do to run an application is type the name of the executable file created during install.
So your question:
How do I know the name of the application?

Well usually it will be in the filename, maybe:
is the filename, after the install, you are likely going to be able to execute that by just typing:

"Ok, so where do I type it?"
You have a few choices. You mentioned one above. Create a shortcut. To create a shortcut you go through the normal process for your system, and then where it asks for the file to execute (path to executable) you can usually just enter the name of the application to be launched as discussed above.
Other ways include typing it into a terminal just like so:
And rocks would launch. You can also use one of the run dialogues should your system have one in use (KDE has such a feature). Desktop icons and menu shortcuts seem to be the most desired, so give that a go.

For those off the wall applications, such as RealPlayer, that uses 'realplay' to execute, you can usually read the documentation on the site where you get the software (or visit the software's homepage which can usually be found by typing in the name of the software at either OR ) or by reading documentation from your distribution. Occasionally the application slips by us that both has an odd name to run it, AND does NOT get installed into the PATH.

Searching for files...

You can use a search box on some setups (KDE comes with one now) or you can use the good old, handy terminal (command line). In the command line to search for an executable you can use:
whereis rocks
And it will locate it for you, IF it's in your PATH. If you just wanna find where something is at, I strongly suggest the use of the locate function:
locate rocks
This will search a database that is created each night (usually) so if you have recently installed an application, locate won't bring it up unless you update the database.
"Ok Chad, thanks, but how do I update the database, I'm a newbie after all?"
You login as root, and type this:
Wait til it finishes, then logout of root and use locate again:
locate rocks
Wildcard searches work as do partial names, so you could use:
locate roc*
locate rock
And it should return the location of rocks. After that you have several options, probably the easiest being to simply provide the full path (which is reveal from the locate) in the box when creating your link on your desktop icon or in your Menu.


Old 07-16-2003, 02:19 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2003
Location: Reading, UK
Posts: 22

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15
What a great reply! Useful info, many thanks. I can see how linux can become addictive, being a windows bod for many years, it's all become very boring, so I decided to get stuck in and learn something new. I can't wait to try out lots of the stuff I'm finding out on this site!
Old 07-16-2003, 03:14 PM   #4
LQ Guru
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Sparta, NC USA
Distribution: Ubuntu 10.04
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Rep: Reputation: 60
# Guides to software and installation and uninstallation
LNAG - How do I install a program I downloaded from the Internet?
Rute Guide's software explanation
You might want to check out CheckInstall to manage source code installations/uninstallation

Handy bash commands for finding out stuff in Linux:
# Find CPU specifications
cat /proc/cpuinfo

# Find running kernel version
uname -r

# What compiler version do I have installed
gcc -v
gcc --version

# Find X server version
X -showconfig

# What pci cards are installed and what irq/port is used
cat /proc/pci

# Memory and swap information
An article: Tips for Optimizing Linux Memory

# How are the hard drives partitioned
fdisk -l

# How much free drive space
df -h

# Show disk usage by current directory and all subdirectories
du | less

# What takes up so much space on your box
# Run from the directory in question and the largest chunk shows up last
find $1 -type d | xargs du -sm | sort -g

# What is the distribution
cat /etc/.product
cat /etc/.issue
cat /etc/issue
cat /etc/

# For finding or locating files

# Use dmesg to view the kernel ring buffer (error messages)
dmesg | less

# Watch error messages as they happen (sysklog needed)
as root, tail -f /var/log/messages (shows last 10 lines, use a number in front of f for more lines)

# What processes are running
ps -A

# Find a process by name
ps -ef | grep -i <plain text>
For example, XCDroast
ps -ef xcdroast

# See current environment list, or pipe to file
env | more
env > environmentvariablelist.txt

# Show current userid and assigned groups

# See all command aliases for the current user

# See rpms installed on current system
rpmquery --all | more
rpmquery --all > <filename>
rpmquery --all | grep -i <plaintext>

# What directory am I using

# Get ls colors in less
ls --color=always | less -R

Look at man <command> or info <command> for the flags I used and for other options you can use for bash commands.


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