Install New CD-ROM Drive
When I installed Linux (RH 9) initially, I had to borrow a CD-ROM drive from a friend, as the installer was having trouble recognizing mine. The drive I'm using now is a 4x, versus the 40x I'd like to be using. Is there any reason that I couldn't just take out the 4x and put in the 40x and expect it to work? I know that the 40x is ATAPI compatible, but it's a different brand. Here's what I have:
4x (Installed): Goldstar (SoundBlaster?) GCD-R540B
40x (Desired!): Generic, BCD E520C
I have had troubles before in Win9x-XP with the 40x not being recognized unless I take out the SCSI card (Adaptec AHA-2930B) that my CD-R drive is attached to, but that didn't work for installing Linux.
I hate to bunch questions together, but this is relevant, so here goes--is there any way I can optimize CD-ROM drive performance in Linux? I know that in Windows, I had trouble with my 40x running pretty slow--I'm not sure why but I know that it ran on MS generic drivers. Never got that figured out. Probably just specific to the generic, low-quality drive.
Thanks for any answers, this forum has been of quite some help.