Install fails, bootloader
I've been trying to get FC6 running (MythDora flavor)
This is/was a windoz box where I added a sys drive for linux and a big raid.
According to linux/bios
HD1 Master = hda = WD1200 (the drive for Linux
HD1 Slave = DVD drive
HD3 Master = sda = WD36 (SATA)
i20 = i20/hda = 1.2 TB Raid on an Adaptec 2400a (raid configured in Adaptec bios.
So I tried install. Failed. Tried editing grub. Failed. Tried reinstalling w/ std FC6. Failed. Tried editing grub via the Linux Recover option. Failed. Tried removing all the drives but the WD1200 and edit w/ grup. Failed. Tried same w/ fresh install on another fresh WD1200. Failed.
5-6 fresh installs, several tries editing under linux recover. no joy.
Sometimes the failure is:
grub loading error
sometimes grub loads, I tweak the settings, it seems to go where it needs to, does some of the boot then says something to the effect that partition is inconsistent or some such thing.
at one point I was able to edit the grub, make windoz boot, but never linux. then nothing. back to read error.
<- stumped. Any assistance would be appriciated.
Last edited by MonsterMaxx; 12-05-2007 at 03:14 PM.