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Originally Posted by zaki
I want / I am new to linux
Being new to GNU/Linux the first thing you want to do is familiarise yourself with using it properly. Set up your own system at home or work and try to configure it for basic usage. Then harden it (dont forget backups as well) and expand so it can be used as a staging area before moving stuff to the production machine.
Originally Posted by zaki
I want / I aslo want all the stuff safe in all aspects
All of the above takes time planning, reading and experimenting. If you don't want to familiarise yourself with all administration issues because "you want everything now" then chances are you'll miss something. Depending on what you use production for the damage can range from a b0rken site to damage to the image of your company which definately will make you lose clients. The only realistic remedy, until you are capable of doing admin stuff properly yourself, is to hire an admin to do the work for you. You want to avoid using too much home-brewn solutions where OTS is available. You want to have all code checked before moving to production so make one developer audit the work of the other. You want to regularly audit the machine.
Originally Posted by zaki
I want
What you also want is to not use sloppy phrasing.
Thanks in advance.