Thank you Habitual, this should get me on the right track to finding things. Didn't realise the amount of learning to get into a new operating system, but every attempt (success or failure) is another learning step. Good to see the URL also the path in the box here to find some things. The file system here is different to that of Windoze, But I have little doubt that if I keep going things will sort themselves out with the generous help of people on this forum. Thank you all for your time.
Originally Posted by Habitual
Have a look for "deja dup" (no quotes) at and read up/bookmark some of those.
and for Linux General stuff, have a gander at
If you look for a "File Manager" in your menu system, fire it up and check Help > About ...
Should say there. Nautilus sound about right. Incorporated into most Desktops "these days"? is an integrated
file mangler, err, manager.
Just a further question. I looked at the /rute URL and thought I had found the "Holy Grail" of Linux, when I tried to get to the book itself I had an error that it could not find the site. Wondering if I might have to click somewhere else to get to the book. I'd like to purchase that book and spend time going through it.
Also, while I think of it, the book mentions 'Red Hat and Debian', wondering if Ubuntu comes in under this description???