Originally posted by hus
I know how to manipulate buildin service that
I can use tools like ntsysv etc. but if I want to
start my own service at boot time How can I do?
The problem is when my server is down because
the power is off and wake up again when the power
is on (this server is HTTP service and I use XAMPP)
but my XAMPP is not start automatically.
I want to append my command"/usr/lampp/lampp start"
to any file that run at boot time. What file?
Thank you in advance.
probably the best file is /etc/rc.d/rc.local
It's the last file executed when you boot your machine.
What your system does when you boot in multiuser mode is start /etc/rc.d/rc.M
this script checks if some rc.* files (httpd,mysql,etc) have execute permission and if they do, they are executed.
Check the /etc/inittab and /etc/rc.d/rc.*(4,6,K,M,S) to get the whole picture of how things work.