I need help keeping Xandros 4.1 up to date.
Xandros isn't keeping its repostorie Apps. updated. I tried Ubuntu 9.04 and it was good with only a minor change, (wireless was slow). Got a workround from Ubuntu forum. Login as root I was able to fix it, I updated to Ubuntu 10. Wireless was slow again. I tried logging on as root. Ubuntu 10. has lockout root and sudo won't let me add (iwconfig wlan rate 54M) to a boot up program to fix it. I went back to 9.04 now it wouldn't let me sign in as root. I next tried Debian Lenny. The screen res. was 1600 x 900? And for Dabian Lenny the screen res. is set automatically and can't be set manually, so I could not finish the install. So I'm back to Xandros 4.1 needing help to keep it up to date. The GEEkCONNECTION has helped some. Any help ideas? Thanks