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Old 02-13-2004, 04:34 AM   #1
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Seattle, WA
Distribution: Debian Sid
Posts: 85

Rep: Reputation: 15
Question I need help getting my hardware PCI modem working

This is my first post to this board and I am a complete NEWBIE to Linux. I have recently installed Debian GNu/Linux on my HP Pavilion 511n. I have a dual boot with Windows XP. I also added a U.S. Robitics Hardware PCI modem. Windows sees the modem and work perfectly with it (that's what i am using now) but Linux won't connect with it. I tried using wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf but it doesn't reconize it. When I type cat /proc/pci it sees it and notices that it is a U.S. Robitics 56k Modem and it says that the irq is 11 and the I/O address is 0xd800 but where do I go from here. I have tried to figure it out for the past four or five days without success. Any help will be strongly appreciated. I just want to be able to connect to the internet under Linux.

-Adam Colwell

Last edited by MustangCSA; 02-13-2004 at 04:36 AM.
Old 02-13-2004, 05:55 AM   #2
LQ Guru
Registered: Aug 2003
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have you loaded the appropriate module(s)? ppp is needed in kernel to get the modem working

EDIT: do a quick module-search, unless you know you've compiled the correct ppp's in kernel...

modprobe -l | grep ppp
or, if you wish to see all available modules...

modprobe -l | less
if you see there any modules, try loading them via

modprobe (modulename)
where (modulename) is the name of the module. these should be loaded automatically, though...but to make sure you do have them in a stock kernel these should be compiled either into the kernel or as modules..?

if you have pppconfig, make an account with it and start the ppp through it like this:

do the magic stuff, then

pon (connectionname)
where (connectionname) is the name you gave to your connection settings in pppconfig I use this method, as my wvdial has stopped working correctly in my newly compiled kernel...

EDIT2: if you don't have some module or something else is missing, you can see it like this: you said your pci-proc shows your modem's information. so the device is there..but what about the device file? do

ls /dev/ttyS*
and check out if anything comes up. my modem is /dev/ttyS1 (usually it's that if you have it in your COM2 -port like dos tells it). if nothing comes, it might be that the device is there, but no device file has been created due to a missing module or something other like that...missing module means usually just modprobing it, or in the worst case recompiling the kernel (that is, if you've self compiled the current kernel and forgotten ppp's as I did in the first time hehe )

Last edited by b0uncer; 02-13-2004 at 06:04 AM.
Old 02-13-2004, 06:50 AM   #3
Registered: Feb 2004
Location: Seattle, WA
Distribution: Debian Sid
Posts: 85

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 15

Hey thanks. Acctually I figured it out about 5 minutes after i submitted that message. And when I type in pon I hear the modem making the usual noises. And if I type wvdial then I see it dialing and it says connected but never goes back to the command prompt. But I have a new question now, after I connect it and then go back into the GUI and I open up mozilla or another browser it doesn't connect. Is there something else I need to do? Also root is the only one that can use the modem, it says permission deniad. Help please

-Adam Colwell


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