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Old 03-14-2004, 08:02 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Mar 2004
Distribution: Mandrake 9.2
Posts: 18

Rep: Reputation: 0
Question I need help for my D-Link Ethernet Card

I'm using D-Link DFE530TX (rev. C) Ethernet card.
I'm running Mandrake 9.2 with Gnome 2.4.
My Kernel is 2.4.22-10mdk.

Since I'm totaly new in Linux, could somone explain to me the complete
(step by step) procedure of installing the driver.

I must install this card because I would like to make internet connection through my Motorola SB5100 Cable Modem.

Please help me.
Old 03-14-2004, 08:54 PM   #2
Registered: Dec 2003
Location: OceanView Virginia, gem of the Southern Shore
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go to the Mandrake Control center. click on hardware, and see if it recognizes the card. if it does, go to Network, select your card, and plug in your values. if you're using DHCP (like from a cable DSL provider), the defaults should work fine.
luck -O.
Old 03-14-2004, 09:00 PM   #3
Registered: Dec 2003
Location: OceanView Virginia, gem of the Southern Shore
Distribution: OpenSuSE Tumbleweed
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oh yeah: one caveat: if it doesn't see the card, you may have to recompile your kernel, and in the Network interface section, ensure that Sundance Alta (i'm not positive about this, you could just click on whatever it is that has the 530 tag on it) is enabled.
if your system isn't mission-critical, the easier/lasy way out would just to be to plug in the card and re-install your mandrake os. jacking with the kernel can be a nightmare for a newbie. if you do go this route, cruise through the search feature with "kernel" as the word, and know what you plan to do first.


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