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Old 11-25-2004, 05:35 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2004
Posts: 2

Rep: Reputation: 0
I killed my partition

I'm a newbie for linux and i'm facing a big problem rite now...

I wasn't too sure wat i have done. But after i got problem saving a file to the comp from a cd and to eject the cd, i decided to log off linux and go into windows.

After removing the cd, i log off windows and log into linux again. This time round, the linux cannot be loaded. It just hanged at the page just before login.

I asked ard, and was told that it could be possibly that i have killed the partitioning. So i'm wondering if there's any solution to this other than reinstalling redhat linux.

Currently, i have 2 hd in my comp, one for windows, the other for linux. So i guess, it shdn't be affecting the one for windows.

Pls pls, i urgently need your guidance, else i wont be able to proceed on with my project.

Would really apprecipate your help. Thanks a million!
Old 11-25-2004, 06:06 AM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Jul 2004
Distribution: Ubuntu 7.04
Posts: 1,994

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First off, you can eject a CD in Linux by using the
command. You can normally also right-click on the CD icon on the desktop and select “eject” (depending on the desktop that you're using).

What does it say on the screen as it hangs? If you get as far as starting services, then you haven't “killed” your root partition.

You haven't said which distribution you are using, but most come with a rescue option on the install disks that you can use to boot into a working system to diagnose the problem.
Old 11-25-2004, 06:59 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2004
Posts: 2

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it does not have any error page

what is last revealed is as follows:

Red Hat Linux Release 9 (Shrike)
Kernel 2.4.20-8 on an i686

localhost login:

Following that it will jump to another page, of horizontal white lines.. then flicker back the the above page again.. it just continues flickering between these 2 pages.

So wat could be the probabe error?
Old 11-27-2004, 07:12 PM   #4
Senior Member
Registered: Jul 2004
Distribution: Ubuntu 7.04
Posts: 1,994

Rep: Reputation: 76
It sounds like it's trying to start up a graphical login screen (by starting an X-Windows server) but that is crashing and putting you back into the command-prompt.

The thing you are looking at where is says “login:” is a login screen, albeit an old-fashioned one. So there's nothing to indicate that your partitions have been messed up.

What you need to do is disable X to give you a useable session. It will probably do this for you after about five minutes; if not then try typing 3 at the boot command-line (where you select to boot into Linux); this will boot you into runlevel 3 which does not use a graphical login.

Next, log in (type your usename and password) and run
less /var/log/XFree86.0.log
(you may have XOrg.0.log instead)
Press > (usually shift and full-stop) to scroll to the end of the file, then look for any error messages relating to X starting up (up and down cursor arrows to scroll).

The easiest way to fix this problem might be to reconfigure your X server; various distros have different ways of doing this, but you might try running
su -c 'XF86Config'
(this is a standard but basic utility that ships with X, so comes with most distros; you will need to type your root password here).


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