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Old 12-16-2009, 07:53 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2009
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I had no problem for a year now everything is a problem. Should I go back 7.10?

For the first year I used linux starting with ubuntu 7.10 I had virtually no troubles. Now it's just one thing after another and I just don't have time for it. If you see my last problem, it took 2 full weeks and in the end I had to transfer all my data and do a hard reformatting because we could never get the graphic card working properly. It's either a sound problem, graphic problem, screen freezing, it's just to much. So the main question, and sorry for my frustration, should I once again back up all my data and downgrade to 9.0.4 to 7.10, and do you think this will solve my problems, otherwise it's back to that elite globalist bill gates software. Also when it comes to terminal i can only copy and paste...I just don't have time to learn all those commands.
My computer is an acer desktop 3800 Athlon AMD, 64 2x processor, one Gig memory. Thanks, Tim
Old 12-16-2009, 09:43 AM   #2
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There is an old saying, "Software never breaks, it was just designed badly." If this system worked for a year, and now has gone south, I would suspect the hardware first. Run Memtest for a period of time to test the RAM.

You have already done a clean install, and now more problems. Going backwards is not the best thing to do, but I understand you need it working. Even if you go to micorbucks, for a period of time, that would let you know if this is a software, or hardware problem.

I have similar hardware, not Acer though. I run Mandriva. You may want to consider an install of it. Fast to install, i did use Bunto, but gave up on it due to the way they do some things.

Hope this helps...
Old 12-16-2009, 02:29 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by brucetim100 View Post
otherwise it's back to that elite globalist bill gates software.
(back to windozz!) Now that would be really a desperate action. Obviously you need a moral boost.
If your hardware is good, i would just try another Linux distro, Mandriva is not a bad choice, easy installation and configuration.


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