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Old 10-02-2003, 11:56 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2003
Posts: 4

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I'm new, and I think I might have messed up the mySQL server

I got a redhat 9 server running and it had an old version of mysql, and I tried to follow the instructions to install the newer version. Well, now things are not running right, and I dont know how to uninstall it or if I installed it correctly to begin with or anything. What do I need to find out to come to you with something you can help me with?

Old 10-03-2003, 01:33 AM   #2
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Dominican Republic
Distribution: Slackware, FreeBSD, RedHat
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You did the upgrade with an rpm?
Old 10-03-2003, 01:42 AM   #3
Registered: Aug 2003
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I'm relatively new to, but I do know that to get help here, you must be quite specific on what the problem is.

I have a few questions and tips for you that'll help bring in some answers:

--- What type of package format (RPM, .tar.gz, etc) did you use to update MySQL?

Generally, RPM's are easier to deal with because they can automatically remove and upgrade old packages. .tar.gz files usually require some compiling to be done.

--- What version are you upgrading from/to?

--- Be more specific on what's not running right. What's happening now that didn't happen before you tried to upgrade?

--- State any error messages that came up when trying to do something with mysql, like when running the "mysql" command. For example, you might get errors related to mysql.sock or host.frm, or something else.


That's about all the advice I can think of at the moment (it's close to midnight, I'm tired :-)

I hope this helps you! When you answer some of those questions above, I'll try to help as much as possible.
Old 10-03-2003, 12:27 PM   #4
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I logged in as root and following instructions to run the rpms as follows:


I will do it again right now to get the exact output to the screen...

Ok... from the top;

su -
then password
then ../home/admin/mysql (I made the mysql folder to hold the 4 rpm files)

[root@www mysql]# rpm -Uvh MySQL-server-4.0.14-0.i386.rpm
warning: MySQL-server-4.0.14-0.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 5072e1f5
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
package MySQL-server-4.0.14-0 is already installed

[root@www mysql]# rpm -Uvh MySQL-client-4.0.14-0.i386.rpm
warning: MySQL-client-4.0.14-0.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 5072e1f5
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
package MySQL-client-4.0.14-0 is already installed

[root@www mysql]# rpm -Uvh MySQL-Max-4.0.14-0.i386.rpm
warning: MySQL-Max-4.0.14-0.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 5072e1f5
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by MySQL-Max-4.0.14-0

[root@www mysql]# rpm -Uvh MySQL-devel-4.0.14-0.i386.rpm
warning: MySQL-devel-4.0.14-0.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 5072e1f5
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
package MySQL-devel-4.0.14-0 is already installed

OK Now for some more background...

I'm on Redhat 9 using a rackshack dedicated server running Plesk. Every since this install, I am not able to access the main domain through Plesk (I can access all the others, but the main one is crapped up for some reason). I believe that Plesk uses MySQL to run, and now it is mad. Rackshack said tough crap to me since I upgraded the software, and they are not a supported host.

Ok... what else.... Old version.... I believe it was 3.x something, but let me see if I can find that... hang tight...

ok it was MySQL 3.23.54

If you want to see the PHP info, goto

I hope this helps, let me know if I left anything out.

Thanks alot guys,

Old 10-03-2003, 03:23 PM   #5
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Dominican Republic
Distribution: Slackware, FreeBSD, RedHat
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OK first of all one of the packages is not installing

[root@www mysql]# rpm -Uvh MySQL-Max-4.0.14-0.i386.rpm
warning: MySQL-Max-4.0.14-0.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 5072e1f5
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by MySQL-Max-4.0.14-0

Try installing, look for it in and then try to install MySQL-Max-4.0.14-0 again, if I was you I would rpm -e all the rpm's you just installed, you will go back to your old MySQL 3.23.54. To make your life easier try updating your MySQL with apt-get, if you do not know what this is go here and read little bit.
Old 10-03-2003, 04:52 PM   #6
LQ Newbie
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[root@www mysql]# mysql --version
mysql Ver 12.21 Distrib 4.0.14, for pc-linux (i686)
[root@www mysql]#
[root@www mysql]#
[root@www mysql]# rpm -e MySQL-server-4.0.14-0.i386.rpm
error: package MySQL-server-4.0.14-0.i386.rpm is not installed
[root@www mysql]#


OK I fingured out how to get it to work (dont use the .rpm)...

Now although... I have no copy of MySQL, and the Plesk panel doesnt work at all heheh... Im reading on the apt stuff, and then I will try to get it working.

Last edited by sohhos; 10-03-2003 at 05:39 PM.
Old 10-03-2003, 06:13 PM   #7
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Dominican Republic
Distribution: Slackware, FreeBSD, RedHat
Posts: 326

Rep: Reputation: 30
Originally posted by sohhos
[root@www mysql]# mysql --version
mysql Ver 12.21 Distrib 4.0.14, for pc-linux (i686)
[root@www mysql]#
[root@www mysql]#
[root@www mysql]# rpm -e MySQL-server-4.0.14-0.i386.rpm
error: package MySQL-server-4.0.14-0.i386.rpm is not installed
[root@www mysql]#


OK I fingured out how to get it to work (dont use the .rpm)...

Now although... I have no copy of MySQL, and the Plesk panel doesnt work at all heheh... Im reading on the apt stuff, and then I will try to get it working.
To uninstall MySQL-server-4.0.14-0.i386.rpm this is what you would do

rpm -e MySQL-server-4.0.14-0
Old 10-03-2003, 06:24 PM   #8
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2003
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OK I got apt-get going, and ran through all of the steps, and it installed my original MySQL 3.23.56. The problem of being able to get onto the Plesk control panel still stands. It gives errors regarding MySQL.

I am having dependecy issues when I try to rpm the newer MySQL:
[root@www mysql]# rpm -Uvh MySQL-server-4.0.14-0.i386.rpm
warning: MySQL-server-4.0.14-0.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 5072e1f5
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by (installed) perl-DBD-MySQL-2.1021-3 is needed by (installed) php-mysql-4.2.2-17.2
[root@www mysql]#

I'll keep trying, and hope you get this message. Thanks again,
Old 10-04-2003, 01:24 AM   #9
Registered: Feb 2003
Location: Dominican Republic
Distribution: Slackware, FreeBSD, RedHat
Posts: 326

Rep: Reputation: 30
Originally posted by sohhos
OK I got apt-get going, and ran through all of the steps, and it installed my original MySQL 3.23.56. The problem of being able to get onto the Plesk control panel still stands. It gives errors regarding MySQL.

I am having dependecy issues when I try to rpm the newer MySQL:
[root@www mysql]# rpm -Uvh MySQL-server-4.0.14-0.i386.rpm
warning: MySQL-server-4.0.14-0.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 5072e1f5
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by (installed) perl-DBD-MySQL-2.1021-3 is needed by (installed) php-mysql-4.2.2-17.2
[root@www mysql]#

I'll keep trying, and hope you get this message. Thanks again,
Are you sure you read the apt-get page?.... Apt-get is to install packages without having dependency issues!!! for example if you want to install MySQL-server-4.0.14-0 you would do as fallow

apt-get install MySQL-server-4.0.14-0

Before you do this try updating the package database with this command to get the latest updates and rpms

apt-get update


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