HOWto determine DNS server numbers for creating static IP address? (req 4 Azureus)
Mandriva Linux 2008.0
Azureus specifies I must disable DHCP (which I always use in automatic mode to set up my connections) and create an "internal" Static IP address for my pc.
My PC's IP, as dedicated by my router, is
The Gateway to my Router is
Where do I find the proper numbers to use as my DNS Server 1 and DNS Server 2?
(And will there be anything else that I need to set in order to have an internal Static IP for my pc?)
Note: The reason I am doing this, is because after setting up port forwarding in Shorewall and in my router, Azureus insists there is a NAT problem and my downloads always show a Yellow Unhappy Face saying that while I am connected to peers I don't have any remote connections. Plus their Firewall port test always says my Port is closed. I have done port forwarding before, and the only thing left in the Azureus docs that I can find is that they require that DHCP not be enabled and that create an internal static IP address. Hence my question about how to determine the DNS numbers, noting I also have a router between me and the Internet. I am assuming these DNS numbers will be somehow related to my router?
Thanks for your kind time!
Last edited by WildDrake!; 04-17-2008 at 06:22 PM.
Reason: Mistyped the gateway IP number and didn't see it in my review