Originally Posted by ahr8tch
Finally is used mkdir citrix.client/ to make a file that I could put the tar results into. So then entered . . .
tar xvvf linuxx86-11.0.140395.tar.gz citrix.client/
and got a message saying that citrix.client file didn't exist.
When you use tar in this way, that is with arguments after the name of the tar.gz compressed archive, you're asking to extract only one (or more) of the files contained in the archive itself. In other words, the command line above tries to extract a directory named citrix.client FROM the archive.
If I understand well, you want to extract all the content of the archive INTO a newly created directory, don't you? To do this you have to use the -C option:
tar xvvf linuxx86-11.0.140395.tar.gz -C citrix.client
For all the doubts related to the GNU tar command, you can refer to the
official manual, one of the most exhaustive and well written pieces of documentation.