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Old 10-10-2007, 03:47 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2007
Posts: 3

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Smile how to solve problems with permissions?

im getting a message like:
sachin@sachin-desktop:~/Desktop/rar$ cp unrar /usr/local/bin
cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/local/bin/unrar': Permission denied

i do not know wat this means and don't know to what to do abt it .if i could get some help?
Old 10-10-2007, 04:02 AM   #2
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In Linux files have ownership and permissions: the ownership is "to whom the file belongs", permissions are "who can read, write or execute files". In this case you are trying to write a file in a directory which most likely belong to root. You may verify this by issuing
ls -ld /usr/local
drwxr-xr-x 33 root root 4096 Jan 10  2007 /usr/local/
So to move or copy a file to /usr/local/bin you have to be root or have root privileges (by the sudo command). For details you can see
man chown
man chmod
man sudo
Old 10-10-2007, 04:50 AM   #3
Registered: Sep 2004
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Originally Posted by tuffsach View Post
im getting a message like:
sachin@sachin-desktop:~/Desktop/rar$ cp unrar /usr/local/bin
cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/local/bin/unrar': Permission denied

i do not know wat this means and don't know to what to do abt it .if i could get some help?
Like windows only a high level user may modify files in system directories.

Windows most of c:\ and Windows folders are restricted.
only Documents and Settings\username is open to full access

Linux is the same
c:\ is replace by / (root)
Documents and Settings\username is replaced by /home/username
and the subfolders of /media /mnt are also usually user accessible.

I dont suggest granting your self full access to any bar the default folders. since this command is a very rare occurance.

to copy this file you should use a user with root permission

it you use Ubuntu or Debian
sudo cp unrar /usr/local/bin
Password: <your sachin password>

any other Distro
sachin@sachin-desktop:~/Desktop/rar$ su
Password: <your root password>
root@sachin-desktop:~/Desktop/rar#cp unrar /usr/local/bin


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