Originally Posted by XenaneX
I'm not running any kind of network and internet is via wired ethernet.
If you don't do router NAT then it could be it picks up your ISP's filtering?..
Originally Posted by XenaneX
I have a rather lengthy hosts file and am behind a firewall.
Using /etc/hosts to block ad sites is deprecated.
Better methods exist but if you think it is not inefficient, incomplete or easy to circumvent then
try answering these questions for yourself.
Originally Posted by XenaneX
Maybe I am worrying too much.
No need to "think", "worry" or "guess" because computing is
binary with respect to testing conditions: something is enabled or it is not, something is secure or it is not. The easiest way to find out if a port is actually open is to run a
remote scan against the machine. If you don't have a remote host to work from then there are enough free on-line services that offer you Nmap scans:
http://www.securityspace.com/smysecure/basic_index.html, etc, etc.
Originally Posted by XenaneX
I am very appreciative and hope I didn't waste anyone's time.
Asking questions is good. Not asking, that's bad.