Originally Posted by artcollector
why this isn't included by default when you get linux distribution. it should be on the desktop just like good quality products come with informative owner's manuals and brochures software should be documented too. I mean when you buy a waffle maker you get all the papers in the box and theres no way to miss them. this is so wrong.
You're resurrecting a very old thread, last post was close to 4 years prior.
The site should have warned you about it when you started your reply.
Please do not raise old threads up causing people to wonder if there's a problem which someone wants to resolve.
If you're having difficulties with running a Linux executable file and the thread contents do not address, then I'd say it's OK to post a follow-up question. Another style option would be to start a new thread and reference back to this one citing that you've read it and still didn't find the answer you were seeking.
Here, it's difficult to determine if you're merely adding a complaint or if you face a problem by the way.