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Old 11-30-2009, 07:43 AM   #1
Kilam orez
Registered: Aug 2009
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Lightbulb how to remove words in a file using sed or any other command

hi dear all,

i want to remove words "Max" and "constrained" in a file given below:

Max 0.003745 constrained
Max 0.004549 constrained
Max 0.001689 constrained
Max 0.001673 constrained
Max 0.001475 constrained
Max 0.001931 constrained
Max 0.002565 constrained
Max 0.001327 constrained

and further want to replace "Max" by line number so that i can plot the resulting file.

i searched in forum, but couldn't do what i wanted to do.

e.g. i used

1)grep command

grep -v "Max" inputfile >outputfile

deletes whole line,and hence whole text.

2) sed command

cat inputfile |sed 's/ .\{1,12\} //g' >outputfile

gives output


can anybody help me out?



Last edited by Kilam orez; 11-30-2009 at 07:44 AM.
Old 11-30-2009, 08:26 AM   #2
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grep -n [a-z] <FILE> |sed 's/:Max//' |sed 's/constrained//'

Where <FILE> is the file that contains the original text.

The -n tells grep to add line numbers. The [a-z] just says to find any line that has one of those characters (which should be every line if they all contain Max and constrained - you could just do "grep -n M").

The line number has a colon added after it and before the original text so the first sed gets rid of the colon and the "Max". The second sed gets rid of the "constrained".

Probably a cleaner one liner could be done but that one will work.
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Old 11-30-2009, 08:31 AM   #3
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Your sed syntax says: "replace every instance of 1-12 characters, followed by a space". I don't get the same results on my system.

How about this:

sed 's/[[:alpha:] ]//g' inputfile > outputfile
(Note that "cat" is not required.)(replaces all letters or spaces)

sed can also number the lines, but you need an extra command to get the line numbers on the same line.

Really good SED tutorial:

Last edited by pixellany; 11-30-2009 at 08:33 AM.
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Old 11-30-2009, 08:43 AM   #4
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It seems easier with awk :
awk '{printf "%.2d %s\n",NR,$2}' datafile
01 0.003745
02 0.004549
03 0.001689
04 0.001673
05 0.001475
06 0.001931
07 0.002565
08 0.001327
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Old 11-30-2009, 08:52 AM   #5
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read -p "Enter line number: " num
while read -r line
  if [ "$i" -eq "$num" ];then
        line="${line//Max /}"
        echo "${line/constrained/}"
done <"file"
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