dd if=/dev/zero of=sweeney.case01.dd bs=1024 count=1440
make a file called "sweeney.case01.dd" that IS ONLY 0's ( zeros)
now if this was a real floppy that would "blank" it with overwriting it with all zeros
sudo mkfs.msdos sweeney.case01.dd
now make a second file of the same name ( then why do the first command, other that ensuring that the file IS there )
that is a
12 bit-fat format ( think windows 3.1 & 95 )
dd if=sweeney.case01.dd of=recovered.txt bs=1 count=10 skip=17408
make a 10 b in size file OF "sweeney.case01.dd" and call it "recovered.txt" skipping the first "17408"
use vi in the terminal to read the 10 b text file
" <<90>mkdosfs" that looks about right for that small of a file
I am currently taking a forensics class and my assignment is
you might ask your teacher on this
recovering the data from a microsoft boot disk form 1990's is from before my time
I havent even tried to recover the jpg yet.
how did you put a jpg photo in there
the file sweeney.case01.dd has ONLY zeros in it
for recovering a photo i would use " photorec"